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Any one got fibro here

I been in pain for many years went drs about it got told it’s all in my head, fast forward to the last month where I have had so much stress my whole body is in pain.

It’s mainly my lower back that’s the worst for me but now I have pain in my left arm and elbow and last night I have burning pain in my sheens to the point even the cover felt so sensitive to my skin.

I went drs this morning got to have blood tests to shower anti inflammatory levels and given naproxen and a tablet to coat my stomach because the tablets can damage you.

My friend who had fibro thinks I have it, I feel fatigued, lack off concentration and always in pain so now I’m wonder if I have got it as been suffering with this for years now it’s only recently it seems to be getting worse.

Some day I wake up stiff as a board and have to roll myself out of bed I feel like an old woman!!
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Oh yes. I feel just like a 128 year old lady most days.
I'm learning to get some of the inflammation under control, which helps.
There are a few meds that help. Celebrex I think is the name of it. On it I had days I felt great, but not many. I quit taking it because I am very sensitive to medications in general and never could get past the need to sleep 24/7 on it.

I did find an energy healer that, shockingly, helps. I dont know how he does it but it's a beautiful thing. He made my lower back not hurt like it always does, but that only led me to see what else hurts. Im going to start seeing him on a regular basis as long as it provides the relief it did the first time.
@OrionInTheNight it’s true! I’ve a middle aged snail.
@nonsensiclesnail its so crazy that snails can live for so long thats super weird
@OrionInTheNight See this guy here? He can live 30 years in captivity.
In general, excluding that one, the bigger they are the longer they live. The giant African snail can live 20 years but I’m not sure if that’s in the wild or not.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
go to see benny hinn
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@Awakenedsoul hes a preacher and many people get healed at his crusades.
@Matt85 oh ok I don’t think I could even afford that and in uk
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@Awakenedsoul its the train ticket that costs the most. the crusade is free.

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