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Can We Cut The Crap Already? Good Grief...

This is foul. Perfectly stomach turning...
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Doesn't hurt my stomach. I personally prefer to keep weight off, but I had a plus size Mom. She had a lot of issues from her childhood, but was a wonderful human. Growing up I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I never noticed her weight.

Would she still be here if she kept the weight off? Maybe.

But I don't know where people are on their journey. I know for sure shaming people is an outdated form of vilification and spitefulness. So in these situations I would scroll on by without knowledge enough to have an opinion.
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
@SW-User the problem is too many people don't give a shit. That's why nothing in this society improves. Just gets progressively more slovenly, unproductive & self indulgent.
@SamInAZ I agree with that. But you, nor I, can do shit about it. You know it. And I have no feelings at all towards another person's weight because that's going to be their choice to deal with.

And just because I choose not to insult them, doesn't mean I'm lying lol I'm not a fkn liar. I just see more to it than you do so I don't feel so angsty. I don't need to put anyone down to get a point across.
@SamInAZ She’s not “hyping up obesity.” She’s existing in public as a fat woman. Nobody is forcing you to date her or gain weight yourself. If you don’t like it, look away and STFU.

I will never understand how some men are so threatened by fat women that they have to attack them at every opportunity.
No one’s forcing you to date her. But if you prefer women who resemble 12 year old boys, hey, to each his own. Some of us prefer women who look like adults.
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom we know what you prefer:
@SamInAZ Are those your girlfriends?

JFC, how long did it take you to do that? Obsessed much?

LOL "race traitor." OK Adolf. Back to the klavern with you.
Freak Show - nothing else 🤮

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