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How do YOU deal with root canal anxiety?

Yeah I know all about trying this and that and relaxation techniques, educating yourself about the procedure, and communicating with your dentist, etc., I know exactly what's going to happen, so there's no surprises, spare me, and I'm trying my best to be very courageous and sometimes I feel calm about it, yet other times the anxiety comes on naturally, knowing the pain I'm going to have to go through, but I can't help the anxiety. How do you personally prepare yourself?

I'm already knowledgeable about it all, trust me. I'm wanting to know how you handle it. Cuz those obvious suggestions just don't cut it sometimes. Hahaha I'm very fearful of the dentist and I'll tell you why.

A dentist almost killed me one time and I had to save myself. He was a real sarcastic smart aleck and after I saved myself from choking on a clamp that lodged all the way down my throat because of his negligence, all he had to say was, "Well that's what you get for putting your hands up there!!" I could have slapped him! He says I wasn't hurting your lip THAT BAD!! Well I should know how bad he was hurting me. He obviously didn't care!


I had put up with his pushing so hard down on my lip to fix a tooth, that I couldn't take it anymore, so I simply reached up to try to pull my lip away from under his thumb and he just up and threw his hands up in the air, like a real smart aleck and when he did, the whole clamp lodged deep in my throat and I thought I was a goner. So you can see where my anxiety comes from. I wanted to punch him so bad, but I couldn't, because he still had to work on my teeth and I didn't want him mad at me while working on my teeth or I thought he would hurt me more. If he hadn't been hurting my lip "that bad" I certainly wouldn't have attempted to relieve the pain!!! What a jerk!! 😠
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Fishy · 36-40, F
I'm sorry you had to go through that :c

I hope you're next dentist is cool and better than the bad experience you had.

But yeah, I had bad anxiety when I had my root canal on a front tooth years ago.

My anxiety come from appearance insecurities and fear of losing front tooth, and from the pain of the first procedure when they had to kill the infected nerve.

Thankfully the dentist that killed the nerve was patient and understanding, but I was still scared and it hurt like heck.

Waiting a month before they could finish the root canal was probably the worst for me because it gave a lot of time for the anxiety to snowball.

when I got the rest of the procedure done, the new dentist could see that I was basically shaking beforehand and was super reassuring.

The anxiety seemed to leave once the procedure started and I knew I couldn't feel anything.

Another thing that really helped me was having something fun planned after the appointment.
Nothing big or overwhelming, but just something I could think about during the procedure.

Like a new videogame, or movie I've been dying to see, etc
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Fishy yep that's some good advice haha I have already planned something nice afterwards hahaha thank you so much
Lilymoon · F
I can understand your anxiety after that.

The only thing that hurts getting a root canal is the needle and it's only a few seconds.

Research the dentist you're going to and check out the reviews from patients. That should ease your mind about how professional (and likeable) they are.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Lilymoon I wanted to find someone so much closer but every time I called every office I could think of and that I found online, every time I called, they say I'm sorry you're out of our service area.. very frustrating. Or, we don't take that type insurance.
Lilymoon · F
@LadyGrace Aw damn I'm sorry... you'll have to just go and get it over with. You can't not go. You'll feel so much better once it's over.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Lilymoon That's for sure. Thank you. ❤
Massageman · 70-79, M
I have a had a 5+ year ordeal with a 25+ year problem with a tooth, So after a failed root canal (on the wrong tooth), an extraction of that (wrong) tooth, and finally and extraction of the offending tooth, after 30+ years, and $4K+ in expenses, things might be starting to settle down for me. So, I'm not the right person to ask. Extractions and oral surgery seem to somehow fit into a "black hole" of dental/surgical care.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
When I went to a dentist once and he took out his saw blade and all other instruments. God made me remind the Crucification and the whole time, he was working on my teeth, all I could think was The Crucification of Christ and my pain appeared so smaller to me that I would not even call it a pain.

It worked for me.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@DanielsASJ Somehow that just doesn't work for me but I'm glad it worked for you. Haha it doesn't take away the pain that I will go through.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Unless it's a front tooth, (or one that's visible when you smile,) why not just have it pulled? IMO, root canals are a gamble. I know people who have had root canals one week and within a month had to have that tooth pulled anyway.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@IM5688 it's a front tooth
eastcoastcycler · 61-69, M
I would have the tooth taken out. After first root canal failed I just let go of the tooth which I should done initially
LadyGrace · 70-79
@eastcoastcycler I definitely would if it wasn't for the fact that it's in front. 🫣
MoonPieSmilez · 26-30, F
All my teeth are dead and filled .. due to excessive meth abuse ..
LadyGrace · 70-79
@MoonPieSmilez Aww, I'm sorry to hear that honey. At least you won't have to worry about that again, right? It's a hard way to go, but you know what I mean.
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Adrift · 61-69, F
You should have grabbed a hold of his crotch while he went back to working on you and then said to him, "If you hurt me this time you'll know it."

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