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Breaking down negative thought processes- a coping strategy

After studying lots of self help books and journaling about my feelings I began to see a pattern with my thoughts. I broke them down in to categories. And added a coping strategy:-

Worry thoughts eg 'oh no an appt'
1) recognise- identify that I am having the thought
2) accept- accept that I am having the thought and that it cannot be changed.

Negative thoughts
1) recognise-identify the thought
2) accept- accept that I cannot change it
3) realise that the thought is not true
4) positive reinforcement-remind myself that I am capable.
5) back up the positive reinforcement with a past event that demonstrated that I am capable.
6) think about what I would say to a loved one who is struggling and apply this to myself.

Fantasy events- these are the pictures of how negative thoughts play out in the mind like a movie..
1) identify
2) realise these are not factual
3) reinforce with a factual event.

Forward planning -these are the thoughts of things you need to do that play like a movie in the mind. For example I may plan an entire conversation of exactly what
I need to say. When in reality things never happen that way. Coz you cant determine what someone else might say or do.
1) identify
2) realise rhat fantasy events often cause us to forward pla.
3) realise that forward planning will not determine how a situation goes
4) make a few notes about what you would like to say and then leave it. This helps to stop my brain from ruminating on the situation.
5) do not ruminate on things
6) remind myself how different events have been in the past compared to my forward planning and fantasy events thoughts dictated.

I also use a phrase that helps me. When I am worried I say to it 'lets just wait and see'.
This may seem like alot but I am finding it really helpful. So I am sharing it to hope it helps others.
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Max41 · 26-30, M
That is nice if you are positive now butterfly .

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