When I'm having a bad day like today
Some days are just unbearable and I just need to write something down on paper or sometimes here just to get the thoughts out of my head. I'm worried about my asthma because my boyfriend smokes. I am in one room and him in another he has the window open and the air purifier on to reduce the smoke. It's difficult for him to smoke outdoors because he uses a wheelchair. I'm worried because I don't want us to have to live in seperate places because of my asthma. I never had problems with the smoke before it's just all started two weeks ago and I've had asthma for 30 years. Of which 4 of those we have been living together. I also used to smoke but I quit and was still ok with his smoking after I quit. I just don't get why now? It doesn't make sense unless it's a menopause thing. I developed hayfever during the summer too. The asthma nurse even tried to blame my cat and I've had her for years too, it's crazy!!. I'm worried I won't get better and I'll land up losing them both. I'm so anxious stressed and upset right now. So I'm putting this here to vent is all. Life just sucks and there are days that I've truly had enough of it.
51-55, F