Peppa · 31-35, F
Possibly could be low iron...
Try upping your green veg, stick to the same bed time and do some form or exercise. It could be a number of things, best thing to rule it out is when you get tested at the doctors.
Try upping your green veg, stick to the same bed time and do some form or exercise. It could be a number of things, best thing to rule it out is when you get tested at the doctors.
Alphie · 31-35, M
If you've had this for a longer period, then I strongly suggest you should see your doctor and do some tests. It can be anything from an infection, endocrine related, stress, you name it.
PissFun · 70-79, M
Sounds like you should drink more water?
You sound like you're de-hydrated.
Take more care of yourself please.
You sound like you're de-hydrated.
Take more care of yourself please.
Confined · 56-60, M
Go to ER
randomruth · F
go to the doctor :)
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Yeah that's bad! You sound like you have some sort of illness or bug. It might only be small, but it's not worth not going!
tenente · 100+, M
omg see a doctor!