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How can I be happy or find happiness?

Why am I not able to be happy.
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You have to create it and then settle with the fact it isn't going to be perfect or permanent. Some of us aren't charmed with beautiful lives or perfectly healthy minds. It's not just a choice.

You make it by doing what makes you happy. Create a life that makes you happy.
swandfriends · 41-45, F
There are a few things.

1. Love yourself, be content with who you are

2. Find a career path or job that gives you some kind of fulfillment

3. Go along in life until God lands that one person right into your lap.

4.Travel or go somewhere you've never been

5. Spend more time in nature

6. Don't let anyone tell you that money can not bring you happiness
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
I found you have to learn to like and then love yourself before you can find happiness. Then and only then when you do, let the love come to you do not chase what you cannot catch or that runs away from you.
@WillaKissing that's good advice
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@AliceinWonderland Thank you! Never put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.
Jessmari · 46-50
Getting out of your current situation where you feel trapped. Then maybe you can find what makes you happy.

Probably not a great idea to put all those eggs in the men basket based on alot of your previous posts.
Just choose to be happy. You should not need a reason or person to be happy.

Staying happy doesn't mean you should have best people/things in the world. Neither any problem or challenge defines that you should not be happy.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
Because you want a man to bring u happiness. You won’t get it until your happy without one.

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