sadbatz You are about the weight of a petite woman while being my size. No, that is not good.
In India, a starving man at 6 feet would weigh about 150 pounds. Global third world average is about 160, but in basic training I was 185, and only my legs were muscular (I mostly ran before the army and never lifted, so was lopsided in basic, confused my drill sargeant seeing my Physical Training scores first time- he saw me struggling to do a push ups and then beat everyone in the company by a minute on the run, and I took my time).
In order to gain weight, you are going to have to up your carb intake seriously. I've seen little guys in basic training actually manage to gain weight on a starvation diet from the carb heavy foods they ate. But they were both thin and small. You are tall and sickly thin. Look into gladiator foods, they wanted gladiators physically fit but fleshy on the chest so when they were cut they would bleed but not take serious injuries from slashing cuts. Carbs mostly. Today it be alot of rice and potatoes. I'd also look into prison workout videos. They don't do sets, but just repetitive all day workouts. Back in my late teens and at age 20 I was what you would consider a ultra-marathon runner, where I woukd go out on multiple day jogs. I couldn't pull that off now, have a bad knee- but the repetitive muscular exertions made my calves the size of a professional weight lifter. And I had the arms of Stephen Hawkings because all they did was hold books.
Easiest muscles to build up are the legs. Western culture prefers a bro gym culture with upper arm strength preferred, and women being polled say they prefer men with thin waistes and big arms, but I got plenty of attention when I was young with my legs. Women just like big muscles, but get stuck with men only training upper body as the masculine example.
Carry a few power banks with in a camel back, get a nice jogging suit with cross country shoes, and hit the roads listening to audiobooks. Pick a far location with something you can drink at the end, and run back. Eat lots of carbs and plenty of protein. If you see railroad tracks, run on them and you'll soon learn which leg is dominate and which is weak. When you see guard rails going up hill, regardless of elevation, try to keep the same stride between the wokden poles holding the rail up. When street lamps are evenly spaced, count the seconds and keep your pace no matter how tired. You gotta train yourself to disregard giving up. The muscle will rapidly grow from that repetitive motion. Gym guys take massive suplliments and do small sets, and it takes them years to grow big. My method does it much quicker.
Oh, invest in a few creams. One is a generic first aid cream for abrasions (arms rubbing against the sides, nipples against shirt fabric, inner thighs scrapping one another). It can turn bloody. The other is for antiseptic ability. What I usually use on week long hikes doing 25 miles a day is bring 90% isopropyl alcohol. It can be used for burning a alcohol camping stove, start a fire in a campfjrez kr sterilize any rashes or wounds. It hurts like hell. But I'm a old infantry guy. I recommend the creams mentioned above starting off.