Emotions Get To Ya
My dad has always been one of those types that tries not to show emotion, unless the emotion is that he's upset...
My mom also tries to hide her emotions when feeling down. Though her poker face is quite horrible and you read her body language pretty easily.
But in the past couple of weeks, they've lost three former coworkers that became life long friends... and it clearly gotten to them a bit 🥺 and very understandably so.
Though it's odd seeing people that never show they're down, clearly be down... and I know darn well trying to talk about it with my dad will only upset him. Two of three where his former co-workers.
I'll try to see if my mom wants to talk sometime when she's away from my dad. It was her best friend and person whom she vented to the most.
And honestly, if/when I lose my parents I have no idea what I'll do... they're my emotional rocks that help keep me steady.
My mom also tries to hide her emotions when feeling down. Though her poker face is quite horrible and you read her body language pretty easily.
But in the past couple of weeks, they've lost three former coworkers that became life long friends... and it clearly gotten to them a bit 🥺 and very understandably so.
Though it's odd seeing people that never show they're down, clearly be down... and I know darn well trying to talk about it with my dad will only upset him. Two of three where his former co-workers.
I'll try to see if my mom wants to talk sometime when she's away from my dad. It was her best friend and person whom she vented to the most.
And honestly, if/when I lose my parents I have no idea what I'll do... they're my emotional rocks that help keep me steady.