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Would you need the Bible if Jesus was physically present with you?

Would you need the Bible if Jesus was physically present with you, walking and conversing with you on a daily basis?

The samefor Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses, and all the great souls who came to redeem humanity. If they lived with us now, would we need any of the sacred books we follow now?
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Adstar · 56-60, M
Only Jesus redeems Humanity.. the false prophet muhammad never redeemed anyone and he never will redeem anyone.. In your list only Moses had a connection with the God of Abraham.. But even Moses was a mere mortal human being with faults.. Only Jesus is without fault, because Jesus is The LORD..
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Adstar Where did I say that?

I am no more a Muslim than I am a Jew, Christian, Sikh, Hindi, Wiccan or anything else.

Neither though, do I gratuitously attack religions for the wrongs committed by some of their followers in their faiths' names - be they Islam or Christian, or any other.

Accusing people of writing things they have not, is beneath you.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@ArishMell I don't believe you... Your posts have been adding excuses to the excesses of mohammad.. You have been positive towards moon in your replies and combative towards me and my replies.. You are basically an anti Christian who is open and willing to ally yourself to any movement you perceive as being anti Christian like the islamic movement put forward by moon..

Saying you do not have a bias while showing your anti-christian bias is beneath you..
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

“ being anti Christian like the islamic movement put forward by moon.. ”

I respect people’s choice of religion. For instance ,
I come across many Christians on similar worlds posting verses from their book and preaching and I do not comment nasty things in their comment section simply because I want to be a bigot and a nasty human being devoid of morality even though I can easily do it because
It’s really easy to throw insults And tantrums and be a troll.

however when I see someone posting crap about my own religion I’ll not tolerate it and I’ll take them on in a religious discussion .
And when I enter such discussions i try my best to be respectful
Because my religion instructs me to do so according to the Quran chapter 6 verse 108 and chapter 16 verse 125
And I’ll attack screenshots of the verses below :

But if this non Muslim or even Muslim is disrespectful hateful insulting
and is incapable of articulating academic arguments during the discussion like you are @Adstar
then I’ll treat you and them in a similar manner because clearly you have no problem with such attitude .
You are only upset because I debunked your accusations made against my faith so far (since you stopped replying to my points ) and that I exposed your hypocrisy.
By the way , by accusations please don’t think too highly of yourself as 99% of it was just you vaguely insulting prophet Mohammed than an actual academic argument put forward against my beliefs.

I know many atheists agnostics Christians Buddhists etc on this website who are civilized human beings and I can differ and agree with them in a civilized manner
like @ArishMell

It’s only violent bigots with extreme Islamophobia who seem to be critical of my approach on this website
And it’s definitely not because of their bias how dare I utter such nonsense 😂
LadyGrace · 70-79
Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses, and all the great souls who have lived here on earth could never redeem people's souls. Read their history. They had sin just like anyone else and the Bible says that it took a sinless person to redeem us from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us. Only Jesus can do that. No one can come to God the Father, but through Jesus. It's in the Bible.

Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
You want to show off your knowledge but you have not attained yet. It's better to go through the scriptures before even blabbering about it. Better to read first and then comment.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Peterthe1 you mean "your" knowledge. Please correct.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Moon3624 How about telling the truth, the whole story in your new post, you liar. Here's how the conversation really went:

Salt777 SAID:
Because Mohammed is only a prophet in Islam who called for people to worship God . Muslims do not worship Mohammed
Before you make such embarrassing comments
Do learn about these religions/ways of life
Before you comment on them and spare people your ignorance.

MY REPLY to Salt777:

Can you read? I never said they did. It is your false assumptions and accusations that are quite embarrassing and ignorant. Do read who said what, before engaging your spiteful mouth. Read below.... and do try to follow along and take my conversation with Renkon in context...

Renkon- "Would you need the Bible if Jesus was physically present with you, walking and conversing with you on a daily basis? The same for Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Lord Krishna, Moses,and all the great souls WHO CAME TO REDEEM HUMANITY."

You were saying???

I won't speak to you again because I don't speak to people who are disrespectful to me. Got it?!! Good!!
akindheart · 61-69, F
I am not convinced that the Bible is true word because of all the translations and the years that have passed but i use it to guide me and it is a great story. enough is true for me to believe it is the word of God.
@akindheart Also not judging your salvation at all.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic This is confusing because I do know Calvinists who believe that salvation is by predestination, and that in fact, is the description that the dictionary gives of it. Predestination in the Bible verses, simply means that God knew and knows beforehand who will be saved, but that does not mean he makes the choice for people. If that were the case then John 3:16 would mean nothing. We are not condemned without choice of whether we want to accept Jesus as Savior or not.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Humans do not have free will. Free will implies that we can choose good over evil or evil over good. The sad fact is that even when we try to choose good it soon becomes evil. We are saved by God's Grace and not of ourselves. Without His Grace we can not even imagine being saved. The fact is that if we could choose to be saved then Jesus died for nothing.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic God placed in all of us, a consciousness of Himself. That is why we know the difference between right and wrong. And the Bible says He gave each of us a Measure of Faith. He gave the world knowledge of Himself, so we could choose whom we wish to believe in and serve, out of all the beliefs. That means choice, not predestination. If it were predestination, then John 3:16 and 17 would not say that whosoever believes can definitely have eternal life.
I always feel the presence of God but I need the Bible to teach me
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User Me too.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Jesus said, "Though heaven and earth will pass away, my Words will never pass away." Jesus was physically with us over 2000 years ago and they has the Torah. He's with us even now in Spirit and we need His Word even more so. Whether He's with us physically or is Spirit, His Word will always be with us.
In the Vakkali Sutta of the Buddhist Theravada texts we have from the Buddha:- "Those who see Dharma see me; those who see me see the Dharma."

Dharma is Truth, the way. Truth must be lived. It is not a text nor a belief.

Jesus said the same in St John's Gospel:- "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father".

Truth/the Father. To know love is to know the Father/Truth. Each and every moment, and in our meeting with others, we have the opportunity to "see" the Buddha or Jesus.
Pfuzylogic · M
Just sharing the real Jesus in hopes of removing spiritual blindness.
I appreciate someone that keeps their word!
Edit: Imagine, this dharma counterfeit religion guy blocked me after i blocked many of his previous accounts.
@SW-User Dharma karma is pure bull rap. That's spreading false teachings into the world. But who I am to save you. Go your way. Be happy.
@SW-User Who indeed!

LadyGrace · 70-79
You shouldn't delete comments just because you don't agree with them.
ScarletWitchPet · 31-35, F
Me and Jesus would talk about Moses all eternity because thats the one i liked the most. Lol
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

I’m a Muslim not a Christian
Most of these questions and theories stem from Christianity and imply that I need to give an answer from a Christian perspective .

“have you ever seen the movie The Prince of Egypt? “
No is it good?
ScarletWitchPet · 31-35, F
@Moon3624 yes. I saw it in the 90s. Its about Moses.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

Muslims do not use the Bible for reference on Moses.

In the Quran the story of Moses is not in one chapter but rather cut into bits in different chapters. Such as chapter 2 , chapter 7 , chapter 10 , chapter 20 , chapter 28 and chapter 21 etc

Here is chapter 28 for instance :

Would you really need laws if you had a moral compass of right and wrong??? Why, yes you would - and it's the same with religious texts.

No God takes away your freedom to choose between right and wrong - so religious texts would still be needed to help guide believers... and, when you consider the fact that there are 8 billion people on the planet, what good do you think that a maximum of 1000 people collectively can do to guide everyone collectively???
@HootyTheNightOwl Interestingly you mention the concept of ‘good’ your contribution. This is one of the main attributes of God. As is His mercy and graciousness

There are no laws in Christianity. Just a call to bear each others burdens, show forgiveness, seeking reconciliation.

Basically we are called to love our neighbour as ourselves.

We have the freedom to do this.
@SW-User Then, what do you call the ten commandments??? They aren't fruits, that's for sure... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@HootyTheNightOwl Read the early part of St Marks Gospel and see how Jesus radically reinterprets them. The Law has been fulfilled by the saving work of Jesus on the Cross. It is not our jailer, nor does it condemn us.
Yes, we have freedom , and are lead by the Holy Spirit.
I don't take these things's more of a guide ..and most of it is just entertainment purposes only because otherwise it would be boring to read
Pfuzylogic · M
It doesn’t sound like you have been saved. Your theology is a bit off.
Pfuzylogic · M
Sorry that we can’t relate my friend.
I hope you find your peace.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Zeusdelight don’t bother with this guy.
These are nasty toxic people with low IQ and low self esteem.
There is nothing wrong with preaching Christianity
but their problem is that they are absolutely incapable of posting an academic argument .
They either spam you with verses from their book which you do not even believe in and want to force it down your throat or they write a passage filled with every kind of insults and curses towards other religions , holy books and important figures.

They are absolutely trash. In fact I’m starting to feel bad for trash because even trash is better.
But watch these most disrespectful hateful and uneducated beings
Go on the next post and write about love forgiveness acceptance morality and respect 😅😂

Take a look at the comments in this post they are so pathetic .

Unfortunately similar worlds is a nest for the most toxic Christians you Could ever encounter in your life .

No debate skills , no knowledge, no respect nothing.

There are respectful Christians on here I’m not generalizing
I’m just saying
Pfuzylogic · M
Trolling around on posts that have absolutely nothing to do with you. I see the other guy edited his response two days ago so it wasn’t what he had originally.
I found your posts uniquely disturbing since you were promoting the Hamas attacks.
Hamas is still a scourge that needs to be removed from the earth similar to ISIS.
They raped women at at least 7 locations on their initial attack.
Obviously this “resistance” as it has been called is a mark against all humanity and the cowards use Palestine as human shields.
I will allow you to respond once with a lot of undefended non information that your small mind has been brainwashed with.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
If nothing else you'd hear directly what God thinks and wants; not what all manner of writers, translators and interpreters wanted you to believe!
Well you don’t when you pray. So why would you.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User Now that's a brilliant answer and so true! Jesus is always by our side.
Explorer · 41-45, M
No. Then I would prefer directly learning from God.
I think they do live among us still. But everyone unusual or full of light is crushed.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

“You want to show off your knowledge but you have not attained yet. It's better to go through the scriptures before even blabbering about it. Better to read first and then comment.”

The catholic or Protestant Bible
Which one cuz they are not the same
Or the Book of Mormon or or or ?😅😂
But don’t worry
I did read the Quran and the Bible
And I’m commenting accordingly
In fact I grew up with a Christian nanny
Unlike you and the zealous oldies in this thread who most likely never opened a book in their life let alone the Quran
I have noticed that the zealous Christians on this thread instead of preaching their faith academically and stating well rounded sane points
They are going around like little children offending cursing and cussing these other figures
This is a clear sign of low self esteem
I’m yet to see one Christian comment that is not pathetic in this thread .
If there is then I apologize in advance
they are probably too few in this ocean of bigotry that is driven by racism lack of knowledge and most importantly lack of discipline and morals
Pfuzylogic · M
Good on insults and but you know very little of the Holy Bible. I’ve had enough of your hate for one day.
RedBaron · M
It’s impossible for any of these people to be physically present centuries after they died.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@RedBaron It is, of course, in reality; but the question is hypothetical! (I am, by the way, an agnostic.)
RedBaron · M
@ArishMell IMO, reality is the only realm that is relevant.

Hypothetical questions cannot generate meaningful or realistic responses.

And the Bible wasn’t written by these characters anyway, which further clouds the issue.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@RedBaron Good point!

A hypothetical question can be answered meaningfully, but only if its hypothesis is realistic. This one isn't.
already don't need any of those texts. i do enjoy Tao Te Ching, tho
You really got nerve man. You too are a great soul. Spread hatred in your place. Not here.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
If you spread lies without even examining, you are carrying the work of Satan. wow. Good Job. Satan will be happy with you.

Comparing these adulterated People with Sinless God?
Moon3624 · 18-21, F

Prophet Mohammed did not commit adultery
but if you mean by adultery having more than one partner though
Then many biblical praised figures in the Bible did have more than one partner
In fact there is not a single verse in the Bible where it says “you can only marry one wife “

But ironically Christian majority nations
Are the most lustful
When majority of Muslim nations outlaw porn for instance
And ban sex outside of marriage
Most if not all Christian nations allow it and encourage it and fund it
Also today most Christian majority communities sex outside of marriage is very common
Dressing half naked is common
And having as many sexual partners outside of marriage as you wish is viewed as normal

Furthermore , Jesus may peace be upon him is not the only prophet who did not get married /have sexual relations
So it’s not something unique to him

Also why do Christians
Compare their supposed God Jesus to a prophet ?

Maybe compare my God to your God aka Jesus ?

Or maybe it’s difficult in your human nature
To compare God to a human being
So you tend to compare humans among each other
Which is actually very normal
Allelse · 36-40, M
I still wouldn't have a use for the bible if some magic man from the sky showed up, though I'd have a lot of questions for this magic man and he better get ready to prove he is 'Jesus' and then he's gonna get it!!! I MEAN CHOLERA!!! Or children dying of malaria!?!?!? WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH HIM?!?!?!? Being magic man doesn't get him off the hook, and if he is this magic man? Why the hell are there so many illogical contradictions? I mean does this magic man really think we're that stupid? All of us? I mean sure most humans are pretty stupid, and was magic man just betting on the fact our species was always going to remain stupid and not look at it from a logical standpoint?
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Renaci · 36-40
I was born with a conscience. I don't need to outsource my morality to a third party like some people need to because they don't have their own morals.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
You are illiterate
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