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Tratskoob 1:1-2:5

1. When Farblesnozz began to create the universe, all was chaos. 2. And Farblesnozz spake, saying, "Let the chaos order itself!" 3. And the universe compressed into a single point, hot and bright, 4. then did burst outward in every direction. 5. And the stars were formed, all in their places, with worlds around them, revolving around them. 6. And one world in particular He called Terra, and He saw that it was good.

7. Then Farblesnozz poured water upon Terra, cooling it and making a mist over the land. 8. And the mist he called "air", and it was good to breathe.


1. Then as the mist expanded, Farblesnozz began to sculpt the plants from the dirt, and allowed them to grow. 2. They grew for many years, unfettered, until Farblesnozz began to sculpt the animals. 3. At first, He made animals to eat the plants, but some animals turned and ate other animals. 4. And one kind of animal, He continued to sculpt, making them to stand upright. 5. And He called this animal "man".
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
This seems legit actually, I'll take it.
CestManan · 46-50, F
1. When Farblesnozz began to create the universe, all was chaos. 2. And Farblesnozz spake, saying, "Let the chaos order itself!" 3. And the universe compressed into a single point, hot and bright, 4. then did burst outward in every direction.

Let us unpack this -

1) Holy crap, he invented the department I work in at my job! Chaos!

2) The past tense of "to speak" is not "spake" but is "Done speak'ed" And "Let the chaos order itself", that is how management sees our dept.

3) seems legit

4) So basically, the biblical version of "Sh*t hit the fan".

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