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Arantxa · 18-21, F
Or that he exists
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@Arantxa That's very true
@Arantxa Hi :) I may i ask you something? Im looking for opinions :) but i dont want to ask it here as a replay that anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx :)

James25 · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato that is a hypocritical statement
@James25 indeed, like most of religion.
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jackieash · 26-30
The title was quite sufficient as "There is no evidence that God is".
Pikachu ·

lol true
SDavis · 56-60, F
I've been saying for a few years now God is like living energy and like energy he was not created nor can he be destroyed but can change from one form to another. Made that comment several times on similarworlds. Nice to see someone else speaking of such.

I'm also replied on a few posts that scientists are beginning to theorize that everything in existence is made of energy even matter. Nice to see someone pick up on that also.

The spirit of God that dwells within man, God breathed the breath of life into man _ he breathed a portion of himself into man, that gave man life and a higher form of intelligence over life forms on Earth and that life is continual from generation to generation. And that portion of God's spirit that dwells in mankind is also a way that one can say they have always existed - because God always existed and what of a part of him you have in you can be applied as eternal from forever...... Question you said you could be infinite - why would you come from eternity to a flesh body a few years, subjected to Earth only, where you had to live on this Earth with question so what life may bring you and then die? Oh maybe for the experience!

If one understand scripture correctly, it is my belief and the belief of many others - it is not
flesh bodies that will be judged but the spirits housed within these bodies. The Bible says fear Him who can destroy both body and spirit. Unless God takes back the spirit / energy he gave one, one's spirit is eternal.

No it doesn't prove God is perfect but one cannot prove that he isn't....... So either one except him for what is written of him, that he is perfect or one denies it, the choice is always theirs. God doesn't want anything that belongs to any entity human or not / it's all his __ he doesn't have to lie / cheat / steal, not only because it is all he is _ why should he, he doesn't have to, he's not man and the pitiness that men displays and places on each other. Lack of those unsavory traits tends to make perfect.
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RedBaron · M
There’s no evidence that God even exists.
RedBaron · M
@TheWildEcho As do you and all of us.
Pikachu ·

Of course i do. One of my dearest friends from college left a toxic husband, raised her two boys and found happiness, balance and prosperity as well as a real husband all of which came when she starting following Wicca.

I'm actually surprised that this appears to surprise you lol
Pikachu ·
I mean have you taken a moment to consider why people are drawn in and devoted to other religions or even cults?
Typically it's because they find it improves their lives. Christianity absolutely does not possess a monopoly on that "virtue".
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Idk why you would think though that matter and enegry being infinite points to a god? When I hear this it tells me that god probably isn't there as we didn't need him to create them.
Ynotisay · M
Which god? There's countless gods. But if you're talking matter and energy then Sun Gods, which were believed for far longer than any of the gods today, makes sense. At least that's something tangible and real.
God is infallible…

A yard stick to measure from…

A baseline of goodness.

Those who worship Hollywood stars for example.. or any other living beings..
how do they know they’re not worshipping a kiddy fiddling satanic ritual enjoying nutcase??
@James25 prove that he don’t exist..
James25 · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout it isn't that a doesn't exist it is that he is not perfect and is not the Creator
Birth defects, enough said.
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James25 · 61-69, M
@jshm2 I did not read or copy this from anywhere it is a process of my own thoughts in reference to the law of conservation of mass
James25 · 61-69, M
@jshm2 the Big Bang is not in reference to matter and energy having been created but rather a point of reference as to where something became something else or where something came from somewhere else
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James25 · 61-69, M
@ArcAngel you make a good point from where you stand
James25 · 61-69, M
@ArcAngel wow a lot of hostility in your voice. Why does my opinion make you so angry? Again no one is allowed to have a different opinion. No one is allowed to be different.

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