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Will We Start With God’s Word Or Human Wisdom?

Creation Basics: Two Kinds of Science

When many people think about the creation/evolution issue, they think of a battle over evidence. But that’s the wrong way to think about it. Really, the battle is over the exact same evidence but two different interpretations because of two different starting points (foundations for one’s worldview).

You see, it’s not “science vs. the Bible” or “science vs. faith.” It’s man’s word (the foundation for evolution and millions of years) vs. God’s Word (the eyewitness account of history). That’s the battle that’s been raging since the garden of Eden! Will we start with God’s Word or human wisdom?
But what about science? Well, most people have a wrong perception about science, lumping technology, medical advancements, origin of life studies, evolution, and more under the same label of “science.” But really, there are two different kinds of science.

Observational Science

First there’s observational science. This is science that’s directly testable, observable, and repeatable. It’s this kind of science that builds our technology and results in advancements in medical fields. This is the kind of science that deals with the present and involves the scientific method, experimentation, and observation.
Historical Science

Then there’s historical science.

This kind of science deals with the past and therefore is not directly testable, observable, or repeatable because we can’t directly observe, test, or repeat the past—it’s gone! So the evidence in the present (rock layers, fossils, etc.) must be interpreted. And the starting beliefs and assumptions (presuppositions) about the past/history that you bring to the evidence will determine how you interpret the evidence in the present.

When it comes to interpreting the evidence in the present, you either start with the eyewitness account of history God has given us (creation in six days a few thousand years ago, a “very good” world marred by sin, life created according to their kinds, mankind made distinct in God’s image, a global flood, and the division of humanity at Babel) and interpret the evidence through that lens or you ignore that history and start with the present and try to figure out what must have happened in the past. This relies on man’s word (man’s wisdom) and assumes billions of years of history as well as cosmological, geological, and biological evolution.

The battle isn’t over the evidence—it’s over the foundation for your worldview: God’s Word vs. man’s word. It’s a battle between two religions as ultimately there are only two—God’s Word or man’s word.

by Ken Ham on April 26, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

True science of God vs. pseudo science of man.
Richard65 · M
"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence."

Bertrand Russell
'Education and the Social Order.'
Richard65 · M
@TheWildEcho I don't usually read the same fiction twice. There's too many other stories to read.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Richard65 no i dont read fiction more than omce either, i read the bible every day
DocSavage · M
Has it changed any since the first time you read it ?
LadyGrace · 70-79
This is really an important article. The battle isn’t over the evidence—"it’s over the foundation for your worldview: God’s Word vs. man’s word." So true!!
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
You fail to grasp the fundamental concept of science.
If Jesus taught man how to turn water into wine, that would be a science.

True alchemy isn't about finding God without, it's about finding God within.
Finding it within ourselves to be loving, forgiving, and understanding of others.

Once you can forgive, once you can truly let go of everything, that's nirvana.
That's the holy spirit.
The existence of nothing in everything.
DocSavage · M
Going with Ken Ham again are you ?
Got news for you chuckles, it is about evidence. God got it wrong. Ken Ham got it wrong . Man got it right.
You can change the memes, but you can change the facts.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
You actually believe in demons? Interesting.

I communicate with you, don't I?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I communicate with you, don't I?

Then why did you say that Ken Ham looks like a demon? Do you know what demons look like?
DocSavage · M
He doesn’t look like a demon. He looks like a strategically shaved chimpanzee.
When many people think about the creation/evolution issue, they think of a battle over evidence. But that’s the wrong way to think about it

No, it’s the right way to think.

Add on: Also the worst possible evidence is eyewitness, which is always past history. Our senses and brains are too easily fooled.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Still waiting.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
You certainly use a great number of words to express the fact that you have no evidence for your version of reality.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@DocSavage I'm pretty sure this is actually a sock puppet account of ol' Ken.

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