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mksworld · 46-50, C
Kirk is the Creator

The Truth of God: We were made from dust in the image of our Creator. The Lie of the world: But in rebellion, our culture tells us that we are the creators now.

Yes. That's the new agers beliefs. They claim they are gods. Let's see them, first of all, find their way to heaven, when they don't even know where it is located. Then there's the problem of how they will get there on their own. Will they suddenly sprout wings?

Secondly, they want to blame everything on God as if he forced them to sin. They want no responsibility for their own sins nor to even own up to the fact that they do sin, but God said if we say we have no sin, then we are liars and the truth is not in us.

Then they also try to blame the consequences of sin on Adam and Eve. Nice try, but we are not paying for the sins of Adam and Eve. We are responsible for our own sins. When God created Adam and Eve, there WAS NO SIN in the garden. Not until they CHOSE to sin. Sin always brings consequences. Jesus is the remedy!

I could not agree more, the problem is rebellion against God, as Creator.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@LadyGrace Which faith you believe in is not my concern. Whether you believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Odin or the Care Bears is all the same to me.

Be grateful you live in a country where you are free to practice the faith of your choice without being persecuted. Just remember to grant that same freedom to others who believe differently.
Just remember to grant that same freedom to others who believe differently.

There you go with the accusations again and judgments. This conversation is closed to you.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@LadyGrace "I disagree with everything you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." Voltaire.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
You are an atheist about all the other religions: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Wiccan, atheist. Remember, they take their religion just as seriouly as you take yours.
@badminton Never said they weren't, not once.
@badminton The subject at hand, addresses the fact that we can see from this evil world today, that man chooses to sin. Atheists seem to try to blame God for what is in man's heart to do. That's avoiding responsibility. How convenient for sinners. God doesn't force people to rob banks nor kill. He doesn't force people to do evil. They assume God is the ultimate cause of sin. Another lie the devil would have us believe. We are each responsible for our own actions. And that's what atheist's hate. They claim they do not sin, but God said that anyone who says they are not a sinner, is a liar. But they don't have to worry about God, do they? They are so sure, by their own admission, there is no God, so they shouldn't worry about it, right? But you know, even the devil believes in God and trembles. Yet he won't repent, though he knows he needs to, so he won't be in heaven. His arrogance and stubbornness plus his ego, is what prevents him.

Looks like from your profile, that you support atheism, is that right?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@badminton [quoteRemember, they take their religion just as seriouly as you take yours.][/quote]

We're not religious, not in the term you're used to hearing about.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 and I'll be thinking for you.

Youranswers are:
1. No
2. No
3. No

One more of us.
One less of them.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
One more of us. One less of them.

Dream on, kid, dream on.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 But you just said you are... three 'no' answers, remember?

Or are you happy contradicting yourself?
DocSavage · M
Why do skeptics deny him who lives forever ?
Simple. You’re just not very convincing. You give your god whatever powers needed to get the job done. Not only do you customize him to your personal beliefs, you give him super powers to eliminate any opposition from non-believers.
Belief in god is a choice. It should be honest, not forced on anyone. That includes skeptics.
Penny · 46-50, F
The truth you call is only suspected not proven
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
prove there are no bison in your kitchen and I will prove there’s no god

You've got to do better than that, Red. Be praying for you, my friend.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 and we'll continue thinking for you
redredred · M
@GodSpeed63 So, you admit you can’t prove there are no bison in your kitchen.
Penny · 46-50, F
So. I read the definition of prophet is inspired proclaimer of the will of God. Googled it. So how do you know that the bible from which you base your preaching on is the will of God? Besides a faulty inner knowing you may possess there is no way. And how do we know that what is said is meant for all? Why base all your spirituality on one book. One book written so long ago. That is also cryptic and full of parables which i think are made up stories designed to illustrate a point or principle. Not saying it has no value or holds no truth. We are not God but the God within us all is our power to claim. Not saying God doesnt have domnion over us. Basically just giving my reaction to what you wrote. Not trying to ruffle any feathers lol.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
So how do you know that the bible from which you base your preaching on is the will of God?

The Spirit of God.

We Know Who The Creator Is But Why Do The Skeptics Deny Him Who Lives Forever?

Do we?

The fact is that many who would seriously question your own beliefs regarding the "creator" nevertheless are not sceptical at all regarding the Eternal, the One Source, the Tao, Brahman, Buddha Nature etc. Even those who look pre-eminently to the Bible would not agree with your own views regarding the exact nature of the God proclaimed in its pages.

Happy New Year
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Do we?

Richard65 · M
Short answer: lack of any actual evidence.
Richard65 · M
@GodSpeed63 😄 your case has not been proven. Your belief relies on faith, not provable evidence. Faith is the foundation of your religion and faith means belief WITHOUT evidence. You don't even understand the primary tenet of your own religious belief. I'm not religious, but I actually understand it better than you do. Go back to Sunday School and learn something.

Also, if your faith in God is stronger than your faith in science, then instead of posting your claims using a phone or a computer (all products of science), why don't you just transmit these posts in the form of a prayer spoken by you in your home, and have faith that God will ensure all the rest of us will hear them?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
your case has not been proven. Your belief relies on faith

I take it then that you're forfeiting your case, Richard. Thank you for proving once again that God still lives and His Word is still Truth.
Richard65 · M
@GodSpeed63 there's nothing to forfeit, unless you're turning your love of God into a mere parlour game.

Answer me one thing. What is the definition of faith? Just give me a straight answer.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
Wow.... I've been annoyed at you before about how you seem to force your opinion on others. But, this time you are not forcing an opinion, you are only stating your belief and rationalizing how it relates to the present.
Bravo for a well written sermon.
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@jshm2 No, I don't really see anyone hiding at all.

Simple name calling demeans you and by extension the Faith/beliefs you profess.

Happy New Year
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
How do you explain this?

Psalm 82:6
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

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