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The Lie: Science Has Made God And His Word Out-Dated - The Truth: Science Gives Testimony To God and His Word

What science facts does the Bible contain that prove its validity? What knowledge is revealed that shows it was inspired by God years before the scientific community discovered them?

According to Bible Study: Our first science fact is in Genesis. It states that Noah's flood was created by the following, "on this day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up . . ." (Genesis 7:11, HBFV throughout). The word "fountains" comes from the Hebrew word mayan (Strong's Concordance #H4599) which means wells, springs or fountains of water. It took until 1977 for science to find ocean springs off Ecuador's coast that proved that such large bodies of water do indeed contains fountains spewing liquids (see The Medusa and the Snail by Lewis Thomas). These fountains or springs found in the ocean, spouting out 450-degree water, were found by science more than 3,300 years after Moses testified of their existence. This knowledge had to come from someone higher and greater than any man. It had to come from and be inspired by God!

And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot, the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife. And he went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees . . . (Genesis 11:31). In the past, science based skeptics often stated that if the Bible were true then we should be able to find the ancient city of Ur where Abraham lived. The skeptics had the temporary upper hand in their argument until Ur was found in 1854 A.D.! It was discovered that the city, at one time, was a prosperous and powerful capital city and a major hub for trading. Ur not only existed, in spite of the nay saying science community, it was sophisticated and organized!

The book of Ecclesiastes was written between 970 and 930 B.C. during the reign of Solomon. It contains an often overlooked but science based statement about the wind. The wind goes toward the south, and it turns around to the north; it whirls around continually; and the wind returns on its circuits (Ecclesiastes 1:6). How could anyone, thousands of year ago, have known about the pattern of the earth's winds? This pattern was not begun to be understood by science until the early part of the 19th century. Note that Ecclesiastes 1:6 states the wind goes south then turns to the north. Man has discovered that the earth's winds do indeed go clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and then turns about and goes counter clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere! Solomon said the wind whirls about continually. How could an observer on the ground possibly know that winds can move constantly since such consistency occurs only at high altitudes? This statement about the earth's winds would not make any sense to those living in Solomon's day. His inspired fact is yet another one in God's word that was ultimately proven true by modern science.

Early man thought earth was flat as a pancake. Scripture, however, tells us something different. God, who made all the science facts we take for granted possible, states in Isaiah that he is the one who sits on top of the circle of the earth! It is He Who sits above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers (Isaiah 40:22). The book of Isaiah was written between 757 and 696 B.C. Yet the understanding that the earth actually was round did not become a generally accepted fact of science until the Renaissance! Isaiah's writing about a circular earth, more than twenty-five hundred years ago, was correct!

What did humans living many years ago believe held up the earth? The book "World Mythology" by Donna Rosenberg (1994 edition) states many believed it "rested on the back of a turtle." The book "Myths & Legends" by Neil Philip states that Hindus, Greeks and others believed the world was "held up by a man, elephant, catfish, or some other physical support." Job is the oldest written Biblical book, dating to around 1660s B.C. Note what it says regarding how God "hung" the earth when he created it, a fact which any science in his day could by no means prove! He stretches out the north over the empty space, and He hung the earth on nothing (Job 26:7). When we look at earth against the backdrop of the rest of the universe, does it not look like it is just hanging in space, hanging from nothing? Gravity, which science is only now coming to understand, is the invisible force that holds the earth "up" in outer space.

Scoffers throughout history have maligned the accuracy of the Bible and considered it nothing more than a collection of fables and fairy tales. Over time, however, true science has consistently proven it statements to be correct and accurate. God's word has, and will continue to be, completely reliable on every subject it addresses.

Scoffers will always continue to scoff at God and His Word but will never be able to disprove it no matter how hard they try. Sad, really.
maskedbandit · 61-69, M Best Comment
Until non-believers can come into a post and tell the whole world how the universe was created without a doubt, they need to stop trying to debate God and science. God is real! Some scientists are starting to admit it, because there is no other way to explain it. Science say's seeing is not always believing, but God said all you have to do is see the light to believe. So, I ask the non-believers, who are you going to believe. 😇
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
It's ok bro.
Love, Light and Peace,
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ArcAngel Yhwh the great 🔥 🔥 🔥 serpent the great Dragon 🐲 the counsel one of the 12. The most high the king 👑
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
I don't get what you are saying, explain more.
Love, Light and Peace,

Richard65 · M
You're constantly trying to "prove" the existence of God. Your religion is wholly faith based, that's how God judges your worth - by the sheer depth of faith you have in His existence. The definition of faith is belief without evidence, that's the entire point of a faith-based religion. Without faith your religion is worthless. By insisting you can prove God exists because the evidence is incontestable, you're saying there's no need of faith because you have the evidence. You're entirely negating the primary tenet of your own religion.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You need to breakout of the silly little arguments and receive the latest and Highest Revelation
of our day and time.
You must overcome your fears of the Higher Light, Higher Knowledge and Higher Wisdom
of YHWH. This fear comes from the lower reptilian brain that all humans possess and you
must trust YHWH who is Loving, Mercifull and who Understands where you are coming
from. In the Pistis Sophia ( Faith of Wisdom ), when Jesus presented himself before his
diciples in his HIGHER BODY OF LIGHT, they were scared and didn't understand,
but Jesus was compassionate and said fear not it is I.

We have to go beyond the superficial three-dimensional layer of the rational mind. We have
to go beyond logic and intellectual symbology into heartfelt experiences. We have been
earth centered instead of God centered.

You are asleep in your material illusion and do not know your higher birthright in the
Realms of Divine Eternity.

Do not be deceived by the limitations of this present state of duality.

The Angels, the Lords of Light, and other Higher Light Beings are here NOW patiently
waiting for you to call on them for assistance and they've always been here. It is you that
are in a consciousness of separation; the SPARK of the DIVINE is within you. Go within
in prayer and meditation to find it.

The Keys of Enoch came directly from the Throne of our Creator YHWH, the GOD of Gods and
LORD of Lords. EVERYTHING EMANATES FROM HIM! It is the same VOICE that spoke to
Moses on Mount Sinai. I'm telling you that this is the latest and the HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE
revealed in our day and time. Just type jjhurtak into your search engine and check out the interviews.

Love, Light and Peace,
Richard65 · M
@ArcAngel yes, the primary tenet of Christianity amounts to a "silly little argument." Ok, whatever you say 🙄
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Christianity is indeed silly, we have to go beyond a "simplistic" faith into the messianic fiber that Jesus
demonstrated. I challenge you to read the Keys of Enoch
and then tell me that it does't come from Higher Intelligence.
Love, Light and Peace,
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
Alpha and Omega (June 4, 1944)

"We the Almighty's chief spirits: I, Alpha, ruler of the beginning, the past and present: I, Omega, ruler of the future and of death, and the promulgator of the Almighty's thoughts: speak unto you, the nations of Earth in the name of the Almighty."

"At one time only the immaterial spirit of the Almighty existed and matter, which, like fog, immobile and dead, filled the infinite space-immobile matter, within which lay equally immobile energy."

"Intolerable tranquility and unbearable silence reigned in the world."

This tranquility and silence had neither a purpose nor any sense. It was hostile and unbearable to the living spirit of the Almighty. The Almighty's spirit felt inconceivably lonely in this dead world of matter. It was intolerable for the Almighty's immortal spirit to live in this immobile and aimless world."

"Overcome by inexpressible despair, the Almighty, in extreme anger, shattered the world of matter. A cosmic storm arose. Matter was perturbed and began to move. The dormant energy within it arose, and maelstroms of matter started to whirl in the space of the world. The transformation of matter began."

"Once perturbed, matter could no longer stop and calm down. Nebulae came into being, these condensed still more, and so-called suns formed, which rushed through space with enormous speed. They collided and caused huge conflagrations of the universe. They rushed past each other, extracting huge tongues of fire from each other. They parted in the space of heaven, but , small stars-suns-were left behind them. On cooling down, these became hard and dark. Thus planets came into being."

The Almighty bound matter within His laws, and began to investigate and form the world. As helper’s for Himself, and so as not to be alone, He created spirits from His spirit. Yet He failed to achieve the second goal. He remained lonely, for the spirits created by Him were the very same He, merely split into many parts. Imagine, if you humans could split yourselves into several parts, would that save you from loneliness? All of your parts would think and talk and act the same as you. Simply put, you would see yourself, multiplied innumerable times, reflected in a mirror with a cracked surface. In order for you to preserve yourself, and find a friend, you must use other means; you would have to bear children."

"ON many planets the conditions became such that matter on them had harden into rock and soil. Clouds floated above Earth, it rained, river murmured, waterfalls roared, seas billowed and winds howled. It seemed that matter was alive, but so it only seemed. The spirits turned to the Almighty and said: You gave us to rule over stars and planets, but this rule has no purpose and no sense. Why does it rain on ground which is lifeless and empty? Why do rivers flow into seas, which are empty and insignificant?"

"Again the Almighty felt alone and despaired. Yes, the space of the universe glittered with stars. Yes, there was eternal noise and movement of the planets. Yet all that still was and remained the very same lifeless matter, hostile and intolerable, dead matter."

"Time passed. Then the Almighty undertook an inconceivably great and difficult labor. He undertook a struggle with the very essence of matter. He decided to create living matter. After long, endlessly long, struggles, the great moment arrived when matter began to live. Atoms created the first molecules, and the dead matter began to live and to breathe. Living beings came into being. The ground became covered with grass and trees. The water, and the surface of earth, and even the air, became filled with insects, animals, fish, and birds."

"Now the Almighty and the spirits faced a task, to form this living matter in such a way that it could attain an ideal perfection. To form it so that it would be capable of comprehending the spirit and of ascending to him, and, having comprehended the spirit, would cease its hatred and would merge with the spirit for the realization of the loftiest goal, the creation of the most ideal world."

"One goal remained, though. The Almighty's desire not to be alone and to acquire for Himself spirits who would be capable of comprehending Him, and of helping Him in the formation of the world. This goal still remained unachieved."

"The Almighty began His second gigantic work of creation. He had given the animals a brain, that is, a complicated nerve center, for the animals had to move and seek food for themselves, as well as had to fight and adapt themselves to the demands of life and nature. With His spirit, He spiritualized this nerve center, which so far had been guided by instinct. He created man on Earth, and other beings, similar to him, on a few other planets, but not many. He formed a wonderful brain for man, and turned this wonderful thought-laboratory over to the spirit."

"The cycle of loneliness was concluded with that. The Almighty's spirits, on incarnating in human bodies, lead therein a struggle against the living and hostile matter. It however is, not a struggle of destruction, but a struggle of resurrection and transformation. The spirits give much to matter, and they themselves also receive much and transform. Thus they are helping the Almighty to form an ideally perfect world and to conquer the inertia of matter its desire not to live and its hatred for His spirit, for having forced it to live and to move."

"Man's task is, by combining the strength of the spirit and of matter-the body-to rise above the existing laws of nature and to create the ideally perfect and eternal being. To create a being who will ascend to the level of divinity and jointly with the Almighty will undertake the further formation and ruling of the universe. Such is the goal and sense of human life. For the time being, while it still has not been possible to overcome matter and to form an immortal body, the spirits have to travel from one body to the next."

"The goal of humanity's life may still appear to you to be unexpectedly great and unachievable. However, that may only seem so, for man is guided by the Almighty's all surmounting and immortal spirit."

"With that, the Almighty achieves His goal, He, the Father, with the help of matter, the mother, has created for Himself a son-man, who will be He, and also not He."

"You need to keep one thing in mind, though. Now you have been given to comprehend the Almighty and the world created by Him, and to comprehend the Almighty's sense of creation, and the goal and sense of human life. While comprehending all this, you must comprehend for yourselves what you have to do, in order to achieve this goal."

"To those, who do, not wish to heed the call of the Almighty-to form the world and to reach the heights of the spirit-the Almighty, to them the Almighty neither promises Paradise, nor threaten them with Hell. He merely allows them, as unnecessary specks of dust, to drift through the window of the universe into the darkness of nonexistence."
"The Almighty divided Himself into two high spirits-God and Satan. They are visible to the spirits, and they are accessible to them. God has the right to up lift the spirit of living beings and of man, to illuminate him with light and love. He has been given the right of hearing man out and helping him."

"Satan has the right to evaluate man, to punish and to destroy him. Observing from man point of view, God possesses only all that is good, and Satan-all that is evil. Therefore, pray only to God, for the Almighty will not hear you out. Pray to God not with words, but with good deeds."

"We, the Almighty's chief spirits, Alpha and Omega, bring to you ten (original receivers of messages) and to all the people, the Almighty's blessings and the love of God."

“May you be bright as the sun, and strong as steel".

"The Tidings, The Book of Tidings from the Almighty and His Spirits" Strafford Publishing, Nick Mezins, 2005
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Well, I just want to say that Jesus warned us in the latter
days there would be false Christs and false Prophets;
I'm afraid youv'e been deceived brother.
Love, Light and Peace,
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
@ArcAngel It appears you have given every consideration to what you have discovered therefore, I wont say anything to change your belief. All I can say is thank you for your effort to enlighten me about your faith. However, I must stay on the path by which I travel. I have faith in my beliefs. Thanks

ArcAngel · 61-69, M
All is choice, I will pray for you as I do all others.
Love, Light and Peace,
You know, even in Noah's day, people refused to believe God when he said he would send a flood. God had given them over 500 years to repent of their sins, but each time and each year, they just got more sinful and when Noah said he was going to build an ark because a flood was coming and he warned them, they laughed at him. They didn't believe God even back then. And they don't believe God keeps His Word today. We can see what happened to those who would not believe God or Noah, back in his day. It's the same with this generation. God told us in His Word that the Rapture would take place, yet people are laughing and deny it will happen. But this is not a "maybe" or "if". One day the Rapture will happen in the blink of an eye and then they will see the God is no liar.
Anyone who places their entire trust in Jesus, has nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
This is a Warning as to what Satan and the Dark Forces are up to. Regarding the Covid-19
vaccine, these people are not stupid, they are EVIL! My younger brother who is also a servant
of YHWH brought this to my attention. His mission and purpose in life is to bring to light the
TRUTH about what the Dark Ones are up to. He came across a website by a woman who is
also a servant of YHWH; the site is https://karenkingston.substack.com/; here is a sample:
While more than 265 million Americans were injected withgene-editing bioweapon nanotechnologiesas part of the largest global-criminal-biological experiment on humans in history,our trusted experts are denying us the right to use the termsbioweaponandgene-editing nanotechnologiesso that we are unable to even comprehend these crimes, nevermind prosecute Pfizer.
Are the terms ‘bioweapon’ and ‘nanotechnology’ being mocked because the actual desired outcome is tonevercompletely remove the mRNA bioweapons from our communities and toneverprosecute Pfizer?
Are Trusted Experts Invested in Humanity or Transhumanism?
Big Pharma, biotech, and other organizations and individuals who are invested in this gene-editing nanotechnology refer to this demonic invention as ‘mRNA vaccines’ or gene therapies only because no one would have ever agreed otherwise to be ‘vaccinated’ if they were told that the shots contained gene-editing nanotechnologies.
March 18, 2023: It was decided years ago to lie to global citizens about the end-game use of gene-editing nanotechnologies and the convergence of the digital world with the human body. Biotechnology is quite literally the science of turning technology into new life forms and
Read full story
If one credible mRNA expert would be honest with the American people and tell the world that they were NOT injected with an ‘mRNA vaccine’, but that they were injected with agene-editing bioweapon nanotechnologies, I believe humanity would wake up to the fact that we were all unknowingly forced into the largest criminal human experiment ever conducted in the history of mankind. Forcing permanent non-human biological andmechanical genetic mutations to the human genomeis not ethical.
If left unstopped, transhumanism (or Directed Evolution) and the use of mRNA technology will lead to the creation of new biodigital chimeric species and the extinction of the human species. mRNA technology is not for the benefit of humanity. mRNA nanoparticle technologies are weapons of mass destruction.
Sharethis informationwith law enforcement and local government to have the COVID-19 injections removed from your community.
DEMAND: Immediately Stop Access to COVID-19 Injections Across All Florida Counties
MAY 22

I recommend that you go to her website and really read the info.

Isa 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against
thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of YHWH, and their
righteousness is of me, saith YHWH.

Love, Light and Peace,
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@ArcAngel I don't know what to say, because you already said everything I would like to say. Love you as a figure of speech, but I do. 👍 🙂
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
@ArcAngel Sometimes it's my aggravation that gets the best of me. 🙂
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You do not need to say anything:
You have to get the Knowledge and Wisdom into you
then you can speak:
The Keys of Enoch came directly from the Throne of our Creator YHWH, the GOD of Gods and
LORD of Lords. EVERYTHING EMANATES FROM HIM! It is the same VOICE that spoke to
Moses on Mount Sinai. I'm telling you that this is the latest and the HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE
revealed in our day and time. Enoch reveals in detail, genetics, archeology, the major sacred
pyramidal temples around the planet, natural and artificial time warp areas, axial-tonal lines
dealing with healing ( generating new limbs and organs ), Metatron, who created the electron,
and so much more. Just type jjhurtak into your search engine and check out the interviews.

Love, Light and Peace,
kodiac · 22-25, M
You can't prove it no matter how hard you try. Sad really.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace [quote]God is someone that we can trust to keep His Word. If we can't trust Him, we can't trust anyone. So rather than put your trust in man, don't you think it'd be better to put your trust in God? [/quote]

Amen!! Share it sister, share it!!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Lynda70 [quote]It hasn't been proven. Stop "lying for Jesus".[/quote]

If I'm lying for Jesus, then what truth are you presenting for Him?
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Mt 22:14
For many are called, but few are chosen.
Love, Light and Peace,
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
You'll never convince those who do not believe, you will never convince those who seek their own pleasure, they will seek others who tickle their ears with what they want to hear not what they should hear.
@Disgustedman That's true, but we're not trying to convince anyone. That's for the Holy Spirit to do, is speak to hearts. We are sharing what we believe. Yet some who just want to argue, keep crying for proof. There's more proof than a person could want. It's everywhere, showing that God is real and alive.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace Amen, sister, amen!!
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Very Good!
Love, Light and Peace,
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
The Keys of Enoch came directly from the Throne of our Creator YHWH, the GOD of Gods and
LORD of Lords. EVERYTHING EMANATES FROM HIM! It is the same VOICE that spoke to
Moses on Mount Sinai. I'm telling you that this is the latest and the HIGHEST KNOWLEDGE
revealed in our day and time. Enoch reveals in detail, genetics, archeology, the major sacred
pyramidal temples around the planet, natural and artificial time warp areas, axial-tonal lines
dealing with healing ( generating new limbs and organs ), Metatron, who created the electron,
and so much more. Just type jjhurtak into your search engine and check out the interviews.

Love, Light and Peace,
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ArcAngel pbwu I'm out Ab'ben 🐺
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You are no longer amusing; have a nice life.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ArcAngel 😂 later fake. Shake fake Christian flase prophet
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Ah, the tag team of GodSpeed63 and Ladygrace continues.

Their joint need to prove God exists seems to be totally at odds with the concept of Faith in God.

Faith requires courage.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace I am sorry, you just criticised me. Stop being blind to what you are saying.

If you read what I am saying I am disagreeing with what you are trying to prove. That is not a criticism of you it is a criticism of your ideas.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Lynda70 I don't think so.
This message was deleted by its author.
Wow!! Amazing evidence. Very well written. Amen to [b]all[/b] God's truths, brother!
DocSavage · M
Genesis says the earth is a flat disc with a crystal dome over it. Surrounded by water above and below.
It got that wrong. And it got the flood wrong.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Is it good to steal another cultures religion? And claim it as being ur own when in fact u have stolen it from more aincent cilivlstions. And by the way the middle east in it's entirety was part of Northern Africa until as recent as world war one.. After that it separated from the Great Africa conitent all of it every country ever state was northern Africa. A fact jack. Look it for urself. What u have believed to b ture is actually a Lie. Have a great night
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You and Godspeed63.
Love, Light and Peace,
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Abbenthewarwolf [quote]idiot what u know is only elementary school stuff. Suitable for young children. I have no need for frist graders knowledge when I have been graduated from that school.[/quote]

You lost this battle, Abben. When you throw insults around, that's an indication that you've lost the battle. Go back to bed.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@GodSpeed63 r u still in the asylum?
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
That is one opinion. Other people have a different opinion. They have just as much right to their opinion as you do to yours.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You are right, I should not have included that passage
in my post. My appologies.
Love, Light and Peace,
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@ArcAngel [quote]You are right, I should not have included that passage in my post. My appologies.[/quote]

It's okay, bro.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Love, Light and Peace,
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
The Milky Way Galaxy ( The Sea of Crystal ), Michael's creation, is a collection of star systems
and planets, that are here as stepping stones for soul evolution. Those souls who have advanced
beyond earth, will be taken to more advanced star systems in the center of our galaxy. There they
will learn further lessons of how to emanate Love into the Living, and how to serve whatever
life forms they encounter. However, we must start doing this right NOW on earth, if we are to
proceed to higher worlds.

Love, Light and Peace,
kentex35 · 100+, M
Ancient Greeks one the earth was round. Christopher Columbus knew it he just didn't know the Americas were in-between Europe and Asia.
But it's a fact that there was a great flood about 4500 years ago~that coincides with Noah~.
The bible is a religious based history book. The city of Ur exists today in Iraq the same one from the bible in between the Euphrates and the Tigris. Ya gotta believe. I do. The story of Fatima goes a long way with me. Just saying
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
I agree. Learn more by reading the Keys of Enoch.
Love, Light and Peace,
graphite · 61-69, M
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
just to address your first statement about science and the validity to God. This is the limitation of science
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Great Work!
Now you need to go to the Academy For Future Sciences
and order the Keys of Enoch which contains the full
spectrum of Metatronic science. The full life of science
not the half life science of man.
Love, Light and Peace,
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Great Work!
Now you must go to the Academy for Future Science and
order the Keys of Enoch which contains the full science,
Metatronic science; not the half life science of man.
Love, Light and Peace,
originnone · 61-69, M
words words words
Did you write this post?

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