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Should we take the miracle of the loaves and fishes seriously? [Spirituality & Religion]

Quite apart from the supernatural element, are we to believe that thousands of people were following Jesus around for days and none of them brought food?🤔
I guess they brought water though because there's no miracle of the water bottles.
noundies · 70-79, M
the whole Bible is correct

lol of you say so
Deesa123 · F
@Pikachu you are a very very bitter person always looking for someone to vent on..may god forgive you 🙏
Deesa123 · F
You should take the bible seriously
Deesa123 · F
@newjaninev2 just leave her alone,stop with this wolf pack bullying,i swear i would love to meet all of you face to face see how brave you were then
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Deesa123 Somebody lies, and confronting her with that lie is bullying, is it?

LadyJ · F
@Deesa123 you tell em girl
LadyJ · F
I believe in god and the bible
LadyJ · F
@Carazaa oh sorry hun i didnt notice your gender i didnt look properly and your welcome 🤗
LadyJ · F
@Carazaa and ive corrected it now
Carazaa · F
@LadyJ no worries! 🙂
Graylight · 51-55, F
If Jesus were really omnipotent, he could've created water bottles.

Seriously, though, as it was explained to me by a Jesuit priest, the miracle wasn't in multiplying loaves and fishes. The good act was that Jesus convinced those with some to share with those who had none regardless of culture or status. Not an easy thing to do even today in the culture of "I got mine."
@Graylight I would seriously consider the sharing a greater miracle actually :/
Graylight · 51-55, F
@canusernamebemyusername I always have. People get so furious and worked up about the Bible. If you take it as infallible, great. If you think it's trash, fine. Haven't we waged enough war over it?

Take the best, leave the rest behind.
@Graylight @canusernamebemyusername

lol nah, i would definitely consider violating the laws of physics to be a greater miracle.
Deesa123 · F
Ive just read all your comments and i have come to the conclusion you have a real issue with me,you havent questioned anyone elses answer but mine, i see you feed off the confrontation with me,i only wish you knew me in real life because believe me you would not have the audacity to keep trying to test me,being a keyboard warrior doesnt make you a man it just shows your immaturity and your bullying tactics,you and your friend KAREN need to learn sone real manners

Interacting with me is clearly an unpleasant experience for you and evidently agitates you significantly.
Perhaps you should consider just ignoring me and carry on fantasizing about meeting me face to face.🤷‍♀️

Have a pleasant evening🙂
You're asking tough questions, it upsets people because it challenges their established belief system.

Yeah i get that. But i respect the people who are willing to engage thoughtfully instead of just getting defensive.
I mean, no one is forcing them to reply here lol
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Worshipping Yahweh and Jesus makes one a Christian but reading the bible made me an atheist.

Can't say reading the bible made me an atheist but it certainly solidified my certainty that the whole thing was just a man-made story.
Carazaa · F
Yes because people took them in! And yes it was a miracle just like he does today multiplying our money if we put him first! I have seen so many money miracles! I dare not give him my first tenth! And no I’m not scared I just take his promises serious! God knows we need our food and we love our money! So he challenges us to give, and he rewards us!
There I witness because I want people to understand that God is a rewarded of those who love him!
Carazaa · F
@Pikachu I answered already!
@Carazaa your answer just "Yes, we should believe that thousands of people followed Jesus for three days and no one brought food" ?
Carazaa · F
Some might, but you know if you bring some granola bars it’s not enough!
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Apparently you don’t have an idea of the awe that someone would be in seeing the sick be healed instantly and perfectly, demons cast out, and teaching of wisdom beyond the mind of man

And what a convenient, unrealistic circumstance it was for him to show his power o earth...
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@Pikachu your idea of realistic isn’t very keen, and every doubt you raise is unreasonable, but if you’re determined to believe something is false, your mind finds a way for you
Graylight · 51-55, F
@th3r0n If there were rivers - dude - then that means grasses and reeds. Vegetation. Fish, amphibians. Mammals that came to drink. There would have been plenty of food.
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
No the whole bible is bollocks

Well probably not all of it. For example, the genealogies are probably largely accurate.
Sharon · F
For example, the genealogies are probably largely accurate.
I'm not so sure. I expect a few might be but there are so many inaccuracies one shouldn't rely on anything in it being accurate.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
It's not that complicated.
1. People go somewhere intending to listen and go home. Instead they keep following. It's pretty clear from the context of the four gospels that this happened on multiple occasions - people following him round so that to get away he had to cross the lake.
2. People didn't drive in those days, so wherever you walked you knew where the water sources were. That was just normal. And perhaps Jesus was sufficiently intelligent to not walk into a place where 5000 plus people following who were ill-prepared would perish for lack of water.

So the people were sufficiently intelligent to not follow Jesus into places where there wasn't water but not sufficiently intelligent to say "Oh dang, looks like we're actually going to be out here for a minute. Go back and get some food".

Abstraction · 61-69, M
People were used to fasting for religious purposes or mourning - it's not particularly surprising that they kept following if they felt this was life changing. 3 days without food isn't much, goodness. Jesus was being considerate in case there were a few who had overdone it. You occasionally find some good dilemmas. This is not one of those.
LadyJ · F
@Pikachu i see you question everything about christianity are you muslim?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Terrible catering arrangements for a supposed all powerful God.
No vegetarian or vegan options!
Lazy 🤷‍♀️
Sharon · F
@Harriet03 That's why he said "Blessed are the cheesemakers", he was trying to get something for the lacto-vegetarians.
My fav is when he is trying to find a place to get sleep but the sycophants won't leave him alone.
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
i'd like to imagine it was simply because jesus took them from that one kid that did pack a lunch but nobody else wanted to eat the lil kids lunch so they all passed up on it.
Mathis1 · M
Yes. The Bible is inspired.

Thank you for the kind interchange.

And you. Have a pleasant day🙂
@Mathis1 It’s inspired in the sense that all great literature is inspired. Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Melville, Twain, etc.
Mathis1 · M
@LeopoldBloom No. It's rather more than that.
Straylight · 31-35, F
I always took it to be that seeing Jesus share his food inspired others to do the same.

Hmm i think the point was really the supernatural multiplication of the food showing that he was god.
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LadyJ · F
@Sharon oh sharon 🤦‍♀️ silly silly sharon 🙄
LadyJ · F
@Sharon now i will block you your a pervert aswell as a bully 🤷‍♀️
Sharon · F
Oh dear, looks like ladyj has blocked me too. Thank fuck I won't have to put up with any more of her abusive crap! 👍🤣

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