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Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
He is not made up. He is very vert real
@ExperienceDLT Big Bang theory is just that...theory. God has revealed Himself in so many ways. The ideology of naturalistic evolution is losing ground. Both laymen and scientists are growing increasingly aware that the universe and the life within it are much too complex to have been a mere accident. The so-called “Big Bang” set in motion a series of creative events so complex and perfect that all of man’s accumulated scientific wisdom is just beginning to explore them. A feat of cosmic engineering has occurred on such a vast scale, that objective observers are being silenced and humbled.
@LadyGrace you argue that the big bang theory is only a "theory" it can also be argued that your belief in God is just that only a "belief" where you around during the time of God and Jesus Christ do you know first hand that Christ did the things claimed in the bible? No you don't know first hand you just believe it to be true how is that any different from those that believe in a scientific theory
@ExperienceDLT Great question. The "proof" people seek for the existence of God, is found in the experience. We are spiritually blind until we realize our need for God because our sin separates us from him. That is, before we find God, our spirit is actually dead. Jesus brings our spirit alive the moment we accept him as our savior. He actually sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to help us learn and understand about him. I know I never could understand fully what God was trying to tell me in his Word, until my spirit joined his, by the gift of the Holy Spirit, after I accepted him as my Savior. All new believers receive the Holy Spirit upon forgiveness of their sins and turning from them, to a new life in Christ. That Holy Spirit is evidence that God has received us and forgiven us, and is God's seal of promise, that we are indeed heirs of salvation and the Kingdom of God.

You were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance (Ephesians 1:13–14). As one means of guaranteeing His promises to those who have received Jesus Christ, God has sealed [them] in Him, with the Holy Spirit of promise.

And I just hate it when people make fun of, and accuse followers of Christ of not taking responsibility. You shouldn't put all followers of Christ in the same category. Nor make fun of their beliefs. That's very immature. Just like any thing else. There are good and bad people. We should all for that matter, take responsibility for our own actions. That's what real followers of Christ do.

Christians made up Satan to hold their guilty and wrongdoings. Lol.

Boy, if that isn't judging and childish, I don't know what is. Grow up.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Again, if you ever want to discuss it seriously, let me know.
JBird · F
@Budwick Okay, you're on.
Budwick · 70-79, M
BigRon · 41-45, M
Although Satan does exist and is an influence on us, the Bible teaches that we are the ones responsible for what we think and do. "The devil made me do it" is a cop-out.
JBird · F
@LadyGrace Again, those are just stories. Well, he had a lot of followers, didn't he?
@JBird Nope. Those were eyewitness accounts. Hardly forgotten, but so great, they were passed down for all to know the miracles of God. But without even mentioning those, let's look at God performing miracles even today. He saved my own daughter from dying. She had already made the funeral arrangements herself, picking out the music, and the doctors said there was no more hope for her. They said she'd be dead in a week! Her organs had already started shutting down and were beyond restoring, the doctors said. This was only months ago. So many were praying for her and we never gave up hope and God rewarded our faith by saving my daughter's life. We knew what He could do. If this doesn't show you God is real, alive, and cares, nothing will. People dont need proof. They just need faith.
JBird · F
@LadyGrace eyewitnesses? For an event that happened two thousand years ago? Okay. Might as well there are eyewitnesses for aliens building pyramids in Egypt.
thinkincubes · 41-45
Honest question: If in the beginning there was only God, is literally everything that happens after that not entirely God's choice? Is He then, and He alone, not responsible for His choices? Satan only exists because of God, right? Yet somehow the evil is his fault? Always confused me.
thinkincubes · 41-45
@LadyGrace I don't attribute evil to Satan (and certainly not good), I attribute it to mankind. I do not know who or what made the universe and all the beauty in it, but I know it's us who are fucking it up. Blaming Satan takes away responsibility, and it is ours and ours alone. I don't need God to feel guilty, I know I'm a piece of shit. I didn't ask to be born, I try my best, I'm scared, but in the end those are all excuses. I do not fight the evil around me as I should, and carry that guilt with me. I don't want to get rid of it, I don't want to be forgiven, I don't want to be happy. What I want, and what I get, is to feel appropriately guilty for the shit I do and don't do. The time for my crime.

Now, you can keep quoting the Bible but keep in mind that I've never seen any sign( let alone proof) of divinity in it. To me it's just words, clearly written by humans, full of human emotions, problems and history. Man, I wish I saw God in it. I wish I saw Him in anything! What a blessing it must be, to believe. To never be alone, to have trust, to have a future beyond death. But I don't, so your Scripture quotes are not going to lead to anything. If you say believing is better than the alternative, I agree with you, it is! But If I don't, I can't magically make it so, and I imagine a God would be able to tell if I was faking it.
JBird · F
@thinkincubes True, I read Bible just because my ex told to. I chose Psalm to read because it's more timid compared to other chapters and boy, it's full of how God smite people who don't worship him, how 'bad' people talk against God and they'll burn in hell, and more scaring people into worshipping him. No words of wisdom there. Then I did the mistake look into the infamous chapter of Genesis and I was like why is this here, there are children who read this, have they ever read this part?
BigRon · 41-45, M
I'm going to tell you something honestly. My heart really goes out to you. It really does. You seem like a nice young man who is trying to make sense of God. And let me assure you. There is a God. And God loves you tremendously. And He longs for you to love him back. You aren't happy with yourself because of the "shit" you do. Well, my friend, welcome to the club. Anyone with a conscience feels the same. The only difference between you and me is that I know I am forgiven by God, but you don't know. You don't even seem to want to be forgiven. By why not? God is in the business of forgiving. God cares so much about forgiveness that He came down from the comforts of heaven and he became a human being for a few years. That's who Jesus is. Jesus is God; God is Jesus. And forgiveness flows through Jesus. The only condition is that you must believe in Jesus. And that is way too difficult for most people. Look, I really want you to have a real relationship with God. And the only way to have this relationship is through Jesus. But you don't believe. Well, neither did I for the first 30 years of my life. I knew there was a God, but I wanted Him to tell me what He expected from me. I kept asking God to reveal himself to me. And I asked and asked for a long time. Then God granted it to me.
My suggestion to you is to ask God for help. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. And keep at it. Many people ask, but then they turn away because God doesn't answer them right at that moment. This is not fast food. God reveals Himself to us in His own time. But be persistent. Keep at Him. Keep asking. Keep knocking at the door. Do this, and you will find God. And maybe you can give the Bible one last look. Try the book of John. John's main focus is on the deity of Jesus. And then of course John explains why Jesus had to die and the wonderful benefit to us resulting in His crucifixion.
I'll leave it at that. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to try and answer them.
From Ron. @thinkincubes
Satan is hardly made up. We see the evidence of his deeds in this world.

Real Christians take responsibility for their own actions and do not blame God. They do not use their relationship in Christ as an excuse to sin. They use it as a privilege to show God how much they love Him, by NOT wanting to sin.
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
@LadyGrace Amen!
JBird · F
@LadyGrace nope, I have seen Christians when caught with a wrongdoings blaming Satans for tempting them to do it. It happens everytime.

Yes, Satan is very much made up just like God.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Azazel the Demon literally means scapegoat. I don't remember which groups do this but since Azazel's symbole is a goat, once a year a group releases a poor goat with the tribes written sins and sends it to die lol.

So yeah scapegoat about sums up the Christian devil.
I take responsibility for all of my wrong doings. Also, I'm Christian (shocker). All I'm going to say on it. 😶🤷🏽‍♀️💅🏾
Carazaa · F
@NIC0LE thank you so much for sharing 🤗
@Carazaa No probs!
Carazaa · F
@JBird no God says "many will say to me in those days, didn't we preach in your name?" but I will say to you "I never knew you"

and I'm paraphrasing

Narrow is the way that leads to life and few are those who go there but broad is the way that leads to death and many are those who travel there.
I've been thinking that since forever. They blame satan for whispering into their ears to do bad things. Bloody nonsense.
I can kill people easily and blame satan for that. I can walk out easily. (Just kidding).

@SW-User Those truly in Christ, always take responsibility for their actions. That's the difference between those who truly accepted Jesus as their Savior, and those who are faking it. We mustn't confuse the two.
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
So as in the days of Noah, there will be a close of probation and all will finally believe when they see him coming in the clouds of glory,.. But he will say to them get thee behind me i never knew you... And tbey will perish forever,... Sad
@JBird No. God did not create sin or cancer. Go back and read your bible. You're so bitter, you want to blame everything on God. God's word says that sin was found IN Satan. Meaning...God did not create it. Satan, having free will, chose to sin.

I have never worshipped God out of fear. I worship Him out of love, not necessity....for all He has done for me. Yes I do know there's a heaven because it's in my heart and if you know God then you know there is a heaven because his Spirit in you confirms it. The proof is in the experience. I've had everything good? You had better go back and read my last entry to you. And being that all you want to do is argue, I'm out of here. You don't really want to know God. All you want to do is argue. I'm done answering you.

Oh yeah, if God can't cure diseases then I am pretty sure karma can get past him to you.

Sorry. Your ill wishes can't cross the bloodline of Jesus.
JBird · F
@LadyGrace 'Ill' wishes? No, you made it come to yourself. Even if I had never talked about it. It would still come to you. Lol. Scared, are you? Pray to God. He might help.... Not. 😆😆😆
I don't put the blame on father satan all I say is that my openly satanist friends gave advice about how to thrive in this economy and tried to provide guidance on how to live well.

I am grateful to them, All Jesus ever did was lecture me that my wife should be submissive and that it was a horrible sin to maybe sleep with her before you put a ring on it.

meanwhile the Satanist basiclaly tried to help me gain independence.

when it boils down to it jesus has never been anything but a guilt trip while Satan loved me enough to try to make my life better
JBird · F
Agreed. It's simply a scapegoat and an inability to admit to the potential evil of humanity that is inherent in everyone and the choice humans have to act that way, not the result of some supernatural force. If anything, it's a metaphor for that capacity for evil that humans have. Interesting to note that in the original story of Adam and Eve, the serpent is just a serpent and not specifically identified with any "fallen angel" or anything along those lines. That story came later.
You are exactly right!!
SomeAreBoojums · 51-55, M
The concept of the "devil" did not originally exist in Judaism; that concept ("personified evil") came in through Zoroastrianism
@SomeAreBoojums Satan was the most beautiful angel in heaven, but he chose to rebel against God and him (Satan) and his followers were thrown out of heaven, as there can be no sin in heaven.
BigRon · 41-45, M
I also hate it when people put their mistakes on Satan. The Christians who do this are wrong. And by saying that, they are in a sense teaching the wrong thing. We are all responsible for whatever we do. All of us. it's painful that I have to argue with both Christians, who don't know their Bible, and people who reject God, at the same time.
Completely agree. Like a external force. Like something that can't control... And some even think that because God is compassionate they just can do wathever they want.
It's complicated because for some even mental illnesses are something that comes from Satan.
BigRon · 41-45, M
The concept of Satan does seem farfetched. If it weren't for Jesus actually talking about Satan and warning us about him, I would probably believe what you do. But because Jesus stated clearly that Satan exists and is our enemy, I believe in such an evil force.
Well of course it's his fault I don't have free will and make my decisions, he does. 😄
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
Everyone has a choice. To follow God or Satan but Satan is very real,.. We just need to be able to resist his temptations by asking God to help us...
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
@JBird human beings and life came from a creator
@Sassygirl42 Where did that creator come from? It must have had a creator.
JBird · F
@Sassygirl42 No, almost every human and living being comes from their parents. Life is given by them.
Carazaa · F
Glad that you are taking responsibility for yours and repenting to God like Christians have?
JBird · F
@Carazaa Yes to the first and no to the second
Carazaa · F
@JBird ok but he is who we owe everything because he gives us everything!
Nanori · F
he's been a good influence on me
BigRon · 41-45, M
For sure. But that's not a good thing.@Nanori
JBird · F
@Nanori For running away from responsibilities. 😆😆
Nanori · F
@JBird How To Corrupt The Innocent
it is pretty amusing
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M

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