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Just be kind, please?

When dealing with this flat Earther you must keep in mind that I do not believe in anything that is not testable, repeatable, or verifiable. Such as the distance to the Sun, or gravity. If you want to bring up any pseudo-science do it with someone else, please.

I will be happy to answer each and every question to the best of my ability, but I’ve only been researching this topic for the past few years. So I do not know all there is to know. All I ask is that you show me respect. If you show me respect by keeping all your snarky remarks to yourself we can and will get along fine.

Flat Earthers in general are very intelligent people. Just because I am most definitely NOT intelligent don’t hold it against us all.
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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I will 100% support your theory if you or someone from your group of believers goes to the edge of the Earth and takes a picture of the universe while standing on that edge. I mean, if it’s flat, there has to be an edge, right?

I’m not being a smart ass here. I just don’t know why no one has ever shown proof. I get that you’re about to say the “rounders” should prove it isn’t round; but, technology and science has done its best to prove that with their proof. Now it’s the “flatters” turn to show theirs.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TBIman Of course, there is no proof of a round Earth in your experience living a life such as yours in a small town or even a big city like New York. But if you want to expand your home range beyond that of a black bear to cover the entire world, even if you believe it is flat, you would have to navigate your way from New York to Hong Kong. Hire a private jet and tell the pilot to fly in a straight line. He would have to use the GPS to maintain his direction without veering off course. You can ignore how the GPS works and just focus on flying in a straight line over a flat plane. If the plane is flat, you will never get back to New York.

I have met guys who told me that they have never went anywhere more than 20 miles from home in their entire lives. Me, I have made road trips to all 50 states in the US, and traveled to many places mainly in Europe and Asia. I wish I have the money to hire that private jet and take you with me for a ride flying in a straight line to prove that the world is flat.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@sree251 You said

sree251 · 41-45, M
@TBIman Of course, there is no proof of a round Earth...

That is all I was looking for. Your acknowledgement that you believe in something based on faith alone.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TBIman No. I did not acknowledge that I believe in a round Earth based on faith. The proof of the round Earth is based on experience. The atlas globe represents the Earth showing where all the places you can go to. It is a 3 dimensional map in the form of a round ball. Airline pilots use that round ball map of the Earth to fly to cities as shown on the atlas globe. Pilots experience flying all over the round ball from London to Sydney, from Tokyo to New York. It is their experiential proof of a round Earth. This doesn't mean that a round Earth really exist. It is just as matter of perceptual experience.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
You can perform a simple test to prove the earth isn't flat. Take a trip from your home to somewhere else. First.. you can visually see that the earth is round. Second, oceans would spill over the edge at some point because water surrounds the earth. No one can ever find the spill point. Last, several spacecraft have taken pictures from high orbit snd further. You can actually see the roundness of the earth. None of these require any sort of special equipment or faith of any sort. As for the sun's distance, lasers have been bounced off of several solar system objects so we know the distance and that it varies. 🙂
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Livingwell Thank you for your very well-worded comment and for not being a total prick like so many others. However, what you said in your comment was totally false. First of all, there is no simple test to prove that the Earth isn't flat. If there were, there would be no flat Earthers anywhere on the plane. You cannot see the curve of the Earth even at 120,000 feet. No man, you got it backwards. The water would spill off the Earth if it were a spinning ball, not if it were flat and motionless just like we experience. Every picture from NASA or any other space agency across the plane is fake. It is all computer-generated nonsense.

Sorry to burst your space bubble.

Why do you even care what I know to be true? Are you trying to save me from being humiliated or something. If so, it's way too late for that.

No one has ever bounced a laser off anything in so-called space. Where are you getting these nonsensible notions from?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Livingwell The curvature you see is spherical aberration. It's your eyeball causing the illusion of curvature at the horizon.

As for the landmarks, it is possible to see them if you fly below cloud cover. You can't see anything once your plane fly above 15,000 ft after take off.

If you were to take off in a hot-air balloon that slowly lift off from the ground where your wife is watching you, she is your landmark and can be seen. But she is no longer the same wife who yelled at you when you are with her on the ground.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@sree251 I agree, Thanks for the comment sree251. Even though it was directed toward Livingwell.
You are the one putting yourself in this position by using this site to explain your notion. We're still waiting to see the physical proof. We have seen more than enough proof that flat earth doesn't exist. Show us anything that supports your claim!
TBIman · 46-50, M
@notyouraveragedummy How about your own senses? That supports my claim nicely. If I may ask, what have you seen that disproves the flat Earth? Other than fake images.

I'm still waiting to see proof of motion and curvature. Got any?

If you look for proof of curvature, or motion you will find that there isn't any. If you can prove the non-existent curvature or the non-existent motion you will be the first person in history to do so. If you can prove that we all live on an extremely large ball of water you'd be famous. Can you do it?
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
If being kind means ignoring established proof and believing nonsense, guess I'll stay out of this debate
TBIman · 46-50, M
@LordShadowfire Give me "ONE" established proof of the globe theory. Just one. I gotta see it to believe it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@TBIman I did already.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@LordShadowfire You did not, For if you did I woiuldn't still be here trying to wake people like yourself up to the worlds largest deception.
All who are on this post, on an earlier forum OP said he had brain damage as an FYI, not being funny, or making fun of him, just be careful all please.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@LordShadowfire I'm still waiting to see proof of this oblate spheroid that I assume you still believe that you are living on. I can save you a lot of wasted time by telling you that there is no proof. All you have are assumptions, and 0 proof.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@TBIman I shared a video. What, was it too long? Here's one more fitting your attention span.

Here's an interactive(ish) one:
TBIman · 46-50, M
@LordShadowfire Proof is not a couple of videos made by globetards. Proof is someone going out into the world, and taking an actual measurement of the surface of the Earth we live on.
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Would pushing someone off the edge of " flat earth" be considered snarky ?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TBIman You need to wake up to your reality. Planetary coordinates enable you to use the GPS to find your way around this flat stationary plane of yours. Those planetary coordinates enables your being targeted on this flat plane in a drone strike.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@sree251 I care that we have been lied to for centuries about where we actually live. Sorry for being disrespectful to others who view the clearly motionless plane beneath our feet as a spinning ball. How can you mistake one for the other?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TBIman There is no spinning ball per se. Every aspect of our reality is perceptual. Our experience of this reality is translated into mathematical language. Curvature is an idea of linear algebra. Even your use of English is a form of code for describing your experience of this reality. It's all an illusion. The ball is an illusion. Motion is an illusion even when you are in a car speeding down the freeway. When you crash into a stationary wall and end up with a broken head, the impact is perceptual.
The mistake that most people make with engaging with a self-proclaimed "flat-earther" is that it is a matter of psychology, not science.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@SW-User We need to stick to testable, observable, and repeatable science, I agree. Which part of that does the globe follow?
TBIman · 46-50, M
@LordShadowfire We do not have any legitimate photos of the Earth from space, nor do we have any legitimate video of the Earth from space. Check your sources.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@notyouraveragedummy I don't believe that there is an "edge." If there were, I'm sure that someone would have photographed it by now. You are too hung up on actually seeing some sort of edge. We know now that there is no curvature on this Earth. No curvature = no globe.

Yeah, that was good, Plenty polite enough.

If you want to prove the globe find some sort of "measurable curvature," Good luck.
@TBIman Well, TBI, we've gone as far as we can go. I've tried to be respectful. I'm not "hung up", I'm just old, disabled, and can't do much but spend time on the computer now. I've taken many rides in airplanes, seen the actual curvature of the Earth for myself. Others have supplied photos showing various things disappearing over the curved horizon. You are either playing a game with us or you have another underlying motive for going on with this topic. Now it's time to say good-bye.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@notyouraveragedummy I agree we have gone as far as we can go. I have no underlying motive. My intention in bringing this very important information to Similar Worlds was just to get people to think for themselves.

Thank you for being civil throughout our correspondence.

LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Be kind? I just discovered your account this morning, and all I see you doing is talking shit about everybody who's smart enough to realize that flat earth "theory" is bullshit. Why the fuck would anybody be kind to you?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
The flat Earth has never once been disproven.

You realize we've got people in space looking down on earth, right? We've got photographs of it. Photographs from space. Video from space.
@TBIman This is a mean, angry, ignorant, homosexual stalker. Just letting you know. It is angry because it knows it is not normal.
TBIman · 46-50, M
Cowboybob · M
Usually being kind is the best response to everything
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Cowboybob I agree. I must let people have their own opinions. As long as they are aware that they are just opinions, or beliefs, and not true facts.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
Tell ya what dude, I'd much prefer the earth being FLAT than round. It kinda makes one feel like more secure, don't you think? There's the END OF THE WORLD, you know its there, you know to keep away from it, your parents have told you all about it, your teachers have told you all about, they have put BIG SIGNS up to warn folks. I really like it.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@StanleyStark You don't have to prefer that the Earth is a motionless plane, because it IS a motionless plane. I'd say that living on a motionless plane opposed to a spinning ball makes me feel much more secure.

Thanks for having an open mind.
HannahSky · F
Be kind to the conspiracy theorist
TBIman · 46-50, M
@HannahSky No. Be kind to a conspiracy realist.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Can’t tell if you’re trolling 🤔
TBIman · 46-50, M
@WaryWitchWandering I am not trolling. I am questioning the reality that I was taught to believe vs what I actually experience. That's all. No harm in that... is there?
Lostpoet · M
🤨Are you a bot
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Lostpoet no. im a human being, what are you?
Renkon · 41-45, M
Are you flat earth believer? I have no problem with that though.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@Renkon I am a flat Earth knower. I only harbor one belief at this time in my life. It happens to be a belief in some sort of creator.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I have no questions. Do your thing.
TBIman · 46-50, M
@StevetheSleeve Thanks ☮️
Cats 🐈 shall push you all off the edge
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ExperienceDLT I will. Thanks for not being a prick like so many others on this website.
@TBIman 👍 you are a unique individual my friend
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ExperienceDLT Thank you for the compliment.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Keep swimming against the tide.....but i would hazard a guess that flat earth is a CIA manufactured psy op to make people who question seem foolish
TBIman · 46-50, M
@gol979 Nah, flat Earth is the truth. You should research it. You may be surprised at what you find. It is foolish not to question things.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@TBIman i have. My opinion as above
TBIman · 46-50, M
@gol979 As long as you admit that its an opinion, and you have, you are okay in my book.
This post is getting annoying im rooting for the cats 🐈 to hurry up and slap yall off da edge of "flat earth"
TBIman · 46-50, M
@ExperienceDLT Again, I don't believe that there is an "edge" to the flat Earth. Yes this post is annoying but only because people refuse to trust their senses.
@TBIman still rooting for da cats 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP

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