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Ginny2002 · 18-21, F
When you meet idiots it is!
kimmy159 · F
@Ginny2002 hahah and there are a lot of idiots out there

Zeusdelight · 61-69, M Best Comment
We need people who have extraordinary gifts, whether it be intelligence, insight, artistic abilities etc. But these gifts come at a cost to the person. They usually are not up to an average ability in other areas, social being the most obvious but others are there too.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Zeusdelight Thank you for the best answer @kimmy159. See some people just have an overabundance of taste:)
kimmy159 · F
@Zeusdelight Hahah you totally deserve that best answer ^^
BlueVeins · 22-25
Yeah, high expectations -> less room to fail, less opportunity to experiment & try new things, at least without hiding it.
I sure do. A person that has an over abundance of information and knowledge will sometimes think they are all knowing or know more than they do. It can be a detriment to learning.

Some of the most intelligent people l have known have also been the densest. I mean actually dumb about simple things.
@SW-User It CAN be used that way. But information and knowledge have nothing to do with intelligence. Neither does it have anything to do with "enlightenment."
@PhoenixPhail That's mostly what intelligence is -
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
And the collection of information. I guess it does have a few definitions. But people confuse it with smart I think.
@SW-User I think they do, too.
Golfer · 61-69, M
the only curse of being too intelligent is if you don't actually do anything with it. We need more intelligent people to actually get in the game, take some actions - on any subject matter!
To quote Elton John in Circle of Life:-

There's more to be known than can ever be known

As such, we all know nothing in comparison to what could be known.
Yulianna · 22-25, F
kimmy159 · F
@Yulianna Definitely agree that the world needs more of it!
There are some theories behind that which I believe.
Ever since we no longer have to rely on survival of the fittest or smartest, the general intelligence (or fitness for that matter - lol) has gone downhill.
I feel like that is now the price we way for our comforts :-))
(Guilty myself on several aspects as well don’t get me wrong lol)
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@kimmy159 for sure, various types of intelligence will offer advantages at different stages of evolutìnary development .

i have to go soon. if i suddenly disappear, it is not intentional rudeness.
kimmy159 · F
@Yulianna No worries, going to sleep myself ^^ have a good remaining day/night! :D
TexChik · F
Throw in a little humility and those gifted individuals would be fine . However that type of intelligence breeds contempt for those less fortunate and they tend to shun humanity and isolate themselves .
TexChik · F
@SW-User 😉
@TexChik 🤗
@TexChik Yep, it can create arrogance.
Never. It’s a ‘blessing’ just gotta know how and when to use it 😘
JP1119 · 36-40, M
Absolutely! I’ve read that very intelligent people tend to struggle with the kinds of things mankind has been doing for thousands of years, among them finding a mate. I happen to know that I’m very intelligent, and I’m 32 and never had a girlfriend before. I’ve also heard that there’s a strong connection between intelligence and procrastination, because it leads one to question the usefulness of taking action, and I definitely relate to that too. I do most things in life more slowly than average people, some of them much more slowly. In school I always struggled to turn in assignments on time, and I’m often late for appointments and work and things. You might say I’m cripplingly intelligent.
kimmy159 · F
@JP1119 :0 that suddenly made a lot of sense.
I won’t claim to be on that same level, but I do often question the added value (if there is any to start with) for certain actions. I procrastinate things I find pointless or refuse to do them if I can.
I have issues with certain procedures people put up that are supposed to proof what you are or aren’t capable of. There was also some kind of existential crisis I went through because at a certain point, everything just seemed pointless, still does to a certain extent.
It's so hard bcs ppl ask me for the answers like all the time. Do I look like I'm makeawish? Pay up idiots
@Pfuzylogic for you my lover I will take any currency 🖤
Pfuzylogic · M
@PepsiColaP This must be ❤️ Because I am letting you see my tail. 🔥
@Pfuzylogic fancy. Me likey
The reason they are intelligent is because they were isolated and motivated to think..create...and discover for themselves without being told what to think .
Leonardo Da Vinci...denied educational oppertunities due to bastard status
Thomas Edison..deaf...removed from school because they thought he was mentally deficient
Isaac Newton...did his best work alone when he was forced out of University due to plague
The list goes on and on
Edison did not see his isolation as a curse but his greatest blessing...Being hearing impaired allowed him to focus and not waste his time on ceaseless small talk.
No because it shoukd be making yiu alot of money 😃
@kimmy159 arent i a darling? 😊 hmmm i cant be called Chris though!, Howabout Crystal? 😁
kimmy159 · F
@ChrissyPooh I like that name ;p Crystal it shall be~!
@kimmy159 hehe i may aswell just be the maid 😂 i think ive a nice enough face for make up, lashes and a blonde wig 😃
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Intelligence can be dangerous. See the number of the current administrations advisors.

Enough said.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@DeWayfarer I have met many on those positions who do not display values or morals and have no concern about alignment:)
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Zeusdelight I have met many that are a problem! 🤷‍♂️
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@DeWayfarer Yes, unfortunately
I think you can use your "intelligence" as a crutch. It overcompensates for the other types of intelligence (e.g. emotional intelligence) you don't posses.
@Yulianna I didn't mean it that way. "You don't possess" was a bit stronger than I wanted to write but it's Sunday morning and I'm tired.
kimmy159 · F
@SW-User hahah good because the question isn’t supposed to be about how I see or not see myself xD it’s just a question I’m interested in.
Yulianna · 22-25, F
@SW-User ok, it's cool... 🙂
If you have lot of money, you must be capable of managing it, storage, security, usage, etc. If you have power, you must be in control of that, right usage, maintenance, etc.

Same is with the intelligence, if you don't have a mind to control where, how, how much to use it, it can be a curse for you.
Ksmile14 · F
I would have no idea. 🤪
HannahSky · F
It can be isolating.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Certainly. There needs to be a balance with emotions and other areas. Ones intelligence can lead to over intellectualize and therefore not process things well
You wanna test their intelligence..
Tell them you got an IQ of 845.. watch their unintelligence fly 😇
kimmy159 · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Always works doesn't it ;p
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Most academically gifted people I've met, have had very little common sense!!
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Harriet03 Not here, the absolute top echelon sometimes have a difficulty explaining their positions, but I associate with many Doctorate and Masters persons who have lots of common sense.
Pfuzylogic · M
No, it empowers someone to make better decisions.
kimmy159 · F
Are intelligent decisions always better? :D @Pfuzylogic
Pfuzylogic · M
I see that face! 😉
I guess it all depends who you answer to!
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Just a little at times.When others cannot keep up it can be frustrating.I can say that when I deal with a stupid person that does not know they are stupid it can trigger me.I try not to let it.
The world needs very intelligent people to lead the way scientifically and politically.
texasdaddydom · 51-55, M
if you are debating it you either not too intelligent or it isn't a curse lol
please take this with a sense of humor and not as an attack
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@texasdaddydom Always a dangerous type of comment mate. Great that you clarified it, but I decided to stop making these types of comments, because of their possible offense taking. I felt the humour wasn't worth the risk.
Anyway, once again great that you clarified it!
kimmy159 · F
@texasdaddydom let me clarify my self-debate then. In a certain kind of way, we all want to be intelligent. And we see it as a compliment if others think we are intelligent. In that regard, it isn’t a curse. However I’ve often noticed that it can be lonely as it is often a reason why you can’t connect with people, or respect them as much. Imagine if you were the most intelligent person on earth, could it be both a blessing and a curse then?
texasdaddydom · 51-55, M
@kimmy159 I was going for a laugh that may seem juvenile to you but it seemed funny to me. Of course intelligence can be a blessing and a curse and not just in the case of superior. But if I was the most intelligent person on the planet I think I could find some way to relate to other people and have meaningful connections. I don't think my personality would change that much and I already value honesty kindness and humor above intelligence and my friends already. And if people are having trouble making connections being too intelligent would be an appealing reason.
PS my silly internet disconnected I am using my phone voice to text with no glasses so forgive any mistakes.
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assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
Hell if i know
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Yes, you are more prone to superiority complex which is a delusion!
ExtremeNext · 31-35

I get crap and jealousy from all the dumb arses on SW

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