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What’s scarier, quicksand or spontaneous human combustion?

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FreddieUK · 70-79, M
Definitely quicksand. I've always been afraid of it since seeing pictures like the one here on TV dramas.

Spontaneous combustion has been shown to be a myth.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@FreddieUK TV spooked us all!
@FreddieUK @Bumbles when I was a kid there were so many movies and tv show showing people dying in quicksand I figured there was was at least a 50% chance that when I die it'll be quicksand that gets me.
Prisoner1972 · 51-55, M
@FreddieUK i disagree. Do a search for Mary Reeser. This will change your mind.
exexec · 70-79, C
Quicksand isn't all that quick. My father-in-law was caught in it as a kid and was saved by an older brother, according to family lore. I'll take quicksand instead of going up in a blaze of infamy.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@exexec Do you believe it?
exexec · 70-79, C
@Bumbles Yes, I believe he was sinking in what they called "quicksand," but I'm sure it was life-threatening. It might have been only three or four feet deep.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Quicksand / mud. That is real, though probably not as the video clip.

People do occasionally become trapped in quicksand (a slurry of sand and water) or mud on tidal shores, and can be caught by the incoming tide, or die of hypothermia. The emergency services have special equipment and methods for rescuing them.

Farm workers have also been killed in a way akin to drowning, having fallen into grain-silos.

[Pauses to scroll the one-second videos completely off the display.]

"Spontaneous human combustion" is a myth from a very small number of people having been burnt to death alone, by accidents whose causes were not recognised or investigated. Or were, but the real cause did not satisfy the fantasists.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK Is that where it came from? I expect the belief already existed but Charles Dickens was never one to waste a lurid myth.

Nor come to that, was Arthur Conan Doyle - he talked up the Mary Celeste legend, French-ifying the name in the process, and the Cottingley Fairies hoax.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@ArishMell It didn't come from Dickens, but I think he helped propagate it further. One of my favourite writers, so forgive him. 🙂
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FreddieUK Oh, I don't blame him!
Lugwho · 61-69, M
I've always been a bit scared of quicksand since an episode of Tarzan as a boy. It might even be the first clip in your post.

Spontaneous human combustion is more of an ambition, seems like quite a good way to go.
drowning period terrifies me, will say quicksand
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Bexsy That’s the right answer
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Well, if I spontaneously combust that would be the one I call the worst. No quicksand around my area.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@WillaKissing But it’s a quicker death…think about it.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Bumbles Yes, it is for sure a quicker death.

If I wanted a quicksand slow death, I would get married again, maybe date the ex-wife, or dig a hole next to the house fill in with sand and water it daily. But I bet we I decided to step onto that pile of quicksand it would be 10degress Fahrenheit outside and frozen, I would look stupid all naked standing on frozen sand. LOL

Think about that, with visuals! LOL
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@WillaKissing Glad u got out of that kind of quicksand. Never again!
ive had to deal with quicksand situations far, far, very far less than my childhood tv viewing prepared me for.
@Bumbles trained for it to randomly show up at the base of your porch after a gentle overnight rain.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@dirge We all had to prepare hours a day!
@Bumbles sneaky, mobile, hungry stuff.
Belleinboots · 61-69, F
Sinking in quicksand, while about to spontaneously combust... now that would really be scary
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Quicksand I could look out for
sirweighsalot · 22-25, M
Quicksand isn't actually dangerous. Proven on mythbusters.
Sevendays · M
Sevendays · M
@Bumbles and it is sand. 🤭
Prisoner1972 · 51-55, M
@Sevendays at least she didn't spontaneously combust.
Belleinboots · 61-69, F
@Sevendays That's not quicksand, that's "lightning sand"
Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
Quicksand obviously lol
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Starchild1983 It would be torture!
Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
@Bumbles definitely
Yet anither post based on stolen text
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