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How far should you go with by helping people ?

Basically they be dumping there problems onto me non stop and I can’t deal with it .
They’ll end up fine an I’ll be the one who’d end up in pysche ward .
So how far should I go with helping people .
I’m only a normal person and I don’t have answers most of the time and cause really the answer to that is that I’m not God .
How far should you go cause at times you be brain washed into helping people and they be going over and over the same stuff .
See when your doing it for so long helping people or being there for them (16years of it) when you back off you be thinking your a very selfish person .
LadyGrace · 70-79
When you feel dumped on or used, then stop. Or if you get to the point where you're really hurting yourself physically or you really can't do it, it's time to let It go. Especially if people are taking advantage of you and your kindness. It's never selfish to take care of yourself. You can't help others who appreciate it, if you wear your health down and I don't believe God expects us to do that. And then some people don't want help. They only want you when they need a sounding board. And then after that, they don't know you. That's not cool.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
I just do what i can for people. Sometimes that means lending a hand or helping with a bill or two. The moment i think it's becoming burdensome i just take a step back or if i feel my kindness is being taken for weakness.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Say, “I want you to write it down before you tell me, it’s therapeutic”
And just tell them you have a headache migraine etc
Mindful · 56-60, F
@riseofthemachine yes. Learning how to say no is hard when you’re insecure
LadyGrace · 70-79
@riseofthemachine That's no good honey. You mustn't keep that up. That's going too far on their part. They should consider you, your situation and your feelings. Been there, done that.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@riseofthemachine For your own sake you're going to have to say no to people if they are taking advantage of you. Who's going to be around when you get sick and need help? I doubt it will be them. It's okay to say no. You know your own limits, so don't go against yourself and push yourself too far. Boundaries with people is important. Otherwise they take advantage.
Dv8rs · 18-21, F
You should help them as much as you can, without damaging yourself, in the process. Don't let them take advantage of your willingness to help. Offering your help is very good, for people who really need help.
Bleak · 36-40, F
You are not selfish. You did the best you can.

It has happened to me a lot when I can do nothing.
After all we all are human beings.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
You can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of yourself first. You aren’t the city dump, don’t let people do that to you.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
Self preservation is not selfish.

You are no good to anyone if you are not good to yourself first. 😊
I help a lot, but before that I set boundaries and limits for them, as well as myself…
Help them help themselves. That will let them walk the ground. Always.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Set boundaries.
Did you cause the problem?
Is it really your responsibility to fix everything for these people ?
And how is their shit affecting you?
You can lend an ear give an opinion, but you can't fix other peoples lives.
They have to do it themselves.
Saying no can be rough especially if it's against your nature to do so.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Help as far as you're able without money money is really a crutch not in the enabling that everybody thinks it is. And remember you can't save all the puppies in the pound.
InHeaven · F
Help as much as you can, then say “Im doing it for Jesus/ in Jesus’s name” and in after life you will have many benefits.
It's good to help others but have boundaries too
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User Some people play up to people’s sympathy and take advantage of them for as long as they can.
@cherokeepatti This is true but I've learned to distance myself from those who take advantage
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Give them my last cigarette
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Till it doesn't hurt my self respect

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