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Raaii · 22-25, F
but I should have meaningful friendship first
All my efforts end up in nothing
None cares and I'm here
I've my mother, grandmother
We talk regularly
They're best friends and also I've some best friends on platforms like here
Nothing will last forever
But I can't lose them either
I've learnt this, if they want to leave we can't keep them , if they don't want to stay connected you can't contact them , if th ey care with time they'll find you back so always im now at Mercy of God and time
All my efforts end up in nothing
None cares and I'm here
I've my mother, grandmother
We talk regularly
They're best friends and also I've some best friends on platforms like here
Nothing will last forever
But I can't lose them either
I've learnt this, if they want to leave we can't keep them , if they don't want to stay connected you can't contact them , if th ey care with time they'll find you back so always im now at Mercy of God and time
What is this "friends" you speak of?
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
most young people now don't have the brain cells or brain power to do that.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@darkmere1983 Or maybe you just can't keep up with them. 🙄
Adogslife · 61-69, M
At work, at least once a week. It’s typically a political discussion. We don’t really have anyone than leans far left, but we do have moderate left leaning, old school conservative and Trump supporters that definitely lean well right.
It can be volitile at times, especially where I work in the state of MA. Most of the northeast votes and leans left, so a Republican vote is/can be important, but I’d generally wasted if you’re being honest.
It can be volitile at times, especially where I work in the state of MA. Most of the northeast votes and leans left, so a Republican vote is/can be important, but I’d generally wasted if you’re being honest.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Often enough that most of them avoid me now. 🤷♀️
1st off i make believe the friends, they're variations of my fragmented self with wide ranging interests,
then i let these parts talk to each other,
kind of like dreaming about how so and so would talk with so and so.
Imagination goes a long way.
then i let these parts talk to each other,
kind of like dreaming about how so and so would talk with so and so.
Imagination goes a long way.
TexChik · F
Once we get past the idea that the Constitution is a "living" document (i.e. open to liberal interpretation) and accept that it is the literal rule book our government follows...not so much.
exexec · 70-79, C
At least once a week. I teach a class and try to stir up discussion every session.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
What's a friend? 🤔
metamorphosis · 22-25, F
Not very often sadly
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
the avatar for this group makes it sound like deep conversation is some kind of sexual innuendo
Felina · F
Often lately 😌