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I hate Wednesdays

Im a retail manager. My first notification this morning was my opening cashier calling in, which set me behind on the things i needed to do this morning. I’m the only manager for the majority of my shift which means i cant leave, which means doordash or starve. So i get doordash and accidentally put it on my bosses card. So I shamefully text her, apologize, zelle, ect. And we have 3 separate trucks coming today so i tried to schedule my lunch after they’re due, but the biggest one ends up showing up at the same time as my food. While im pulling this truck in and my foods getting cold, im also on the phone with my bank because i was notified someone was using my card at a churches chicken this morning. Between all this im getting called to the front because 2 customers have returns and again, only manager. Once i get those things taken care of, Im being called because a customer is refusing to pay for part of her services. Takes 15 minutes to get ahold of my boss and figure out how to sort my employees commissions for the work that was done. I finally get everything situated and im about to sit down and eat when, of course, my closing shift lead texts me to call in. We’re short handed, its only me, her, and the boss who only has one day off a week to take her mother in law to dr appointments. So suddenly my 8hr shift is 13hrs. I eat lunch through tears and go to smoke a cigarette and boom, my last cigarette. Right as my shift restarts. I type all this as its 3:30pm. And there were other really shitty parts of my day i left out of this just to try and keep it short. Theres so much day to go, and its not looking good.
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I love Wednesdays.

My first notification was the ring of my till as I unlocked it. Im usually the only one there , and the boss so all my food goes on my card and its a real let down knowing that If I worked for someone else I could potentially get them to inadvertently pay for my food. If I were your manager I wouldn't sweat it. I left before lunch, a perk of being the boss, only to forget to buy food on my way home. Im considering a sandwich as I find myself able to enjoy teasing another user about his distaste for them, though they don't know me and they likely think im jsut being mean.
I've not had any returns, but maybe one day. I do need to call my business partner on occasion about ordering items in for a customer, but often I make that decision on my own. I like to include him to make him feel like he owns the business as he thinks he does. He doesn't really understand what a partnership is. it's been a joyful time.

I might eat later, I no longer have time as i've sat here for the last 20 minutes making annoying comments. I often work 12 to 16 hour days because I love it and I love what I do.... and I don't know how to shut off....and I'm the only one who is willing to get these projects done. Again, partner is sort of an idiot. As am I, so it works out ok. I will be working until 3 AM, again maybe 1:30 if things go as planned.

We have a new lady working with us today ( who is amazing!) and we are finally getting our classes in order. It's turning into the business we meant it to be and it's a lot of work. I have to spend part of my evening moving things to a storage unit so our office can become a classroom. We met someone who we have been looking for for the last month, yesterday, and she will also be an amazing asset to the company and hopefully a lovely acquaintance. She is perfect for the role, I only wish she had more time so we will find someone to fill in where she cannot be.

At least you are getting paid to be there. I will I get paid on day, but not until we can turn a profit.
Attitude is everything. Setting a mindset and your intentions for the day will take you far. Be in control of you.
insist that the day looks good. There are going to be obstacles, but you can get over and past them and keep going. The day will work itself out as long as you participate and find a positive mindset.
vannagail · 22-25, F
@nonsensiclesnail i just wanna comment on the “inadvertently paid for my food” comment. She didnt. I texted her immediately, apologized, and sent her her money back, which was $11. And then deleted the card from the account. And it was only there because she had used my doordash account in the prior weeks. Accident, & rectified immediately.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Your job is lucky to have you.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
If u are really that busy why don't u call a couple people to come in to help out for a few hour's
vannagail · 22-25, F
@smileylovesgaming noone to call. Everyone’s scheduled according to their availability
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, you need to get organized and create a time management plan that you will follow.
vannagail · 22-25, F
@MarkPaul im actually very well organized but in the retail world things are never exactly consistent
vannagail · 22-25, F
I want to add that i do love my job and im grateful to be there, but we all have hard days
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well that bank call could have been a scam. So check you actived on account.
vannagail · 22-25, F
@updown2020 i wish but i called my actual bank and confirmed it. Luckily its already resolved
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@vannagail Oh okay
come2gether · 46-50, M
Can doordash get you more smokes?

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