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My Experiences Of Racism

Kinda interesting.

Living in the multi-cultural country of the United Kingdom. Being brought up in Nottinghamshire before moving to Derbyshire. Huge ethnic background. Cool.

People had moved to those areas, from aboard, since the 1950's. As generations grow, new generations come. Different attitudes are fostered.

Speaking personally, I've not really had any direct racism as such. Not verbally. Occasionally I have had those eyes that linger just a bit longer than they should be. I've never - thankfully - had the 'N' word thrown at me.

But, what I have had, and it's mostly the older people but sometimes people in, oh, I'd say, their 30's. What I have had is people saying something like 'Oh, I'd never thought that we'd get on, y'know?', which I have taken as some form of indirect racism. Calling those people out - not always, but when I feel that I can - I hear them backtrack.

Racism? I've never understood. I, as a black woman, would never think about calling someone something like 'white bread', y'know? It's just disrespectful. Do black lives matter more than any other lives? No, of course not, but we as non-whites are subjected to, obviously, a huge history of abuse, but recent more subtle racism that we have from day to day.

Just my own thoughts...
Adstar · 56-60, M
A person who has been indoctrinated to believe that racism is all around them will end up interpreting innocent statements like ""'Oh, I'd never thought that we'd get on, y'know?'"" as revealing that person as being racist.. When you have it etched into your head that racism is everywhere and there all out to get ya.. You will interpret every statement you get as being a racist micro aggression of some sort.. You got to make the world fit what the brain washers have indoctrinated you into believing..

No doubt this very post of mine will be interpreted as some form of racisim...
helenS · 36-40, F
@Slade Well thank you, I guess 😏🌷
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@Adstar But...if you haven't experienced racism then that's the very reason that you're attacking me, boo. Why are we talking? I'm not calling you racist, but if you haven't experienced it then...y' really don't understand what I mean.

I understand your point of view - not everything can, and should, be tagged as racist. Fair comment.

But racism can be very subtle too.....which is my point, boo.
Slade · 56-60, M
@helenS 😋
Flipper111 · 51-55, M
Sometimes racism with a smile or with manners can be worse :(
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@Flipper111 Exactly, boo...

They don't realise that they are sometimes....or sometimes they do, y'know?
Flipper111 · 51-55, M
eMortal · M
You’ll never know what racism is all about until you get into an interracial relationship. You’ll get the privilege to witness it first hand everywhere; within your family/race, from your partner’s racist uncle, different treatment for you and your SO in restaurants, shops or any office you visit. Respect to those who endure that for the sake of love.
Carissimi · F
So basically, you have had no experiences of racism. 🙄
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@Carissimi No, did I say that? I said indirect racism, boo.
Pfuzylogic · M
I have noticed on SW more racism than I had ever expected. I have lost more friends here when i discovered their attitudes or they had seen mine. I try to make sure there are no surprises and fully lay out my beliefs and practice towards others in my “About me” page.
I advocate “Black Lives Matter”
It means that they also matter and have been the victims of intimidation and unprovoked violence by law enforcement.
cecile · F
i find black and asian people to be the most racist groups of all, they bleet on about old whitey but never a thought for their own actions,attitudes and racist remarks
Pfuzylogic · M
This person was expelled from here.
He wrote a very offensive post using the n* word.
cecile · F
@Pfuzylogic i'm not saying it doesn't happen i'm saying it goes both ways
Pfuzylogic · M
I have not seen an account become expelled because they were racist against an empowered race. I have personally reported at least 10 accounts that were later expelled for being racist towards a marginalized people. With
*@Imissep it took about 10 reports but he was expelled because he would not stop with his visceral attacking racist posts against members here.
He refused to recognize the actions of admin.
eMortal · M
I’ve come to realize that people will always make fun of stereotypes or just mention then in chitchats. It’s just human nature. It’s takes an unbelievable amount of self control to not to. So a slip of a tongue shouldn’t be a big problem. It’ll take maybe another 200 years for our language pattern to adjust.
Systemic racism though should be fought with every bit of our strength. Systemic like being denied or given lesser service in Healthcare, Education, Housing, Hospitality(restaurants, hotels, flights etc) just because you look or speak different should never be tolerated.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@streetwalkerangel] you know it may have nothing to do with race when it was said i did not think we could get on have the actually come over too you that they do have racist tendencies.i am not sticking up for them as i feel racism is an unneccessary evil of the human race and has gone on since the dawn of time.sadly it is one of the evil sickness humanity cannot erase
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@smiler2012 Maybe not consciously, boo. But It can still affect those subtle comments of people without thinking, y'know?
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Honestly, I am beginning to believe integration was a mistake.
PatKirby · M

Look how people act and behave. When you force people to do something they don't like or are not prepared for, they start to hate it. But when you slowly introduce them over time to things they gradually get used to it. Problem solved.
martyberg · 80-89, M
This actually surprises me a lot. The kind of white men who use black whores here do it because everyone hates them and you can do whatever you want to them and no one cares.
martyberg · 80-89, M
@Slade I'm not particularly concerned if a stranger on the internet believes I am a racist or not.

We are talking in the comments section of someone claiming to be a literal street whore. Regardless of her race, such is not the place, nor is she the kind of person, one typically puts on their best behavior for.

I am being as respectful as I can of her. And my behavior says far more about my view of her "profession" than her race, mind you.

Were she a young black lady working in any honest job, or taking care of her children, or literally doing anything but being a drug addicted street whore, trust I would be much more polite.
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@martyberg But why no, boo? Why isn't every person deserving of some form of respect? That is just a fucked attitude.
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
There are many silly prejudicial attitudes in this world.
The ones i have experienced i'v learned to use as tools not suffer from anger over them. Someone being offensive to me verbally is a chance for me to learn not to become angry or upset with them.
Slade · 56-60, M
Patronizing racism or elitism is aggravating AF. I haven't had a ton of experience with it but enough.

Like when anyone is dismissive or doesn't take you seriously
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I think the UK is quite a tolerant country, I also do think that people dont like you for maybe the way you look or act and not just for the colour of your skin unless they state the obvious
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
@StreetwalkerApril Ok, obviously there are some people who are not very torrent to others but you would find that in every country
StreetwalkerApril · 26-30, F
@Justenjoyit Yeah, but I have only reference to UK, boo. Obviously, each country has it's own racism, sadly....
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
they may be racist and that might be the reason for their actions but you can't actually call them that to their face without proof
People tell me they thought we'd never have got on but put that down to my rbf tbh.

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