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Tell me some of your earliest memories as a child!

1. I can remember being 4 years old and kicking my kindergarten teacher in the leg because she wouldn't let me go out to recess unless I drank white milk instead of chocolate like I usually drank. I had to sit in the corner for a week.
2. I was 5 years old and got my tonsils and adenoids removed and plugs in my ears and I can remember being on the gurney. I remember all the ice cream afterwards.
3. I can remember being about 6 and my neighbor got his stomach blown out by a firecracker and I was terrified of them ever since.
4. I can remember when I was a kid and all the neighborhood kids would come to our house to play because we had a treehouse, basketball goal, big trampoline, etc. There was a little boy a lot younger than all the other kids and everyone was really mean to him and used to throw cicada shells on him because he was so scared of them.

What are some things you remember as a kid?
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
When I was 2 and half I was in a hospital and had IV which I would always tear out. I remember how happy I was when mom came and a nurse was very angry and said to her: " if she tears it once again, we won't give her any more" and that gave me hope, relief and a clue of what to do.

When I was 3, 2 months from 4, we were on a vacation in Greece and met a family who had a girl around my age called Christine. Once we sat on the beach and I remember how our mothers were talking and her mother said: "Christine is so tired that she's sleeping while standing." I didn't understand how was that possible and looked if it was true.
I also remember how we walked along the beach when it was getting darker and there were long grasses where the sand ended. It looked deserted there, so we turned and walked back and that picture got stuck in my mind.

Around that time I had a habit of digging holes, putting an object into it, covering it with earth or sand and think that I tucked it in to sleep. My parents found some sea shells and I did just that with them. I'm not sure if they found them again. 😆 I don't remember this really, just from my parents' talking. But I remember I did it few months later on my aunt's wedding when there was a break in a program and we went outside to the park. I put a small cone into the ground and proclaimed "the cone will get some sleep and we'll go" This part is on the camera and my parents still find it hilarious but they don't understand the whole concept behind it. Those weren't real conifer cones so I assume they were black alder cones.

I remember when I was in the kindergarten for the first time, probably just to test because I was there only for a short time. The kids had some sort of cosplay game and were dancing to the loud music and everything was extremely overwhelming to me. I was terrified, didn't know what adults wanted from me and why and I was relieved when it ended. I could have been 3 or 4.

I remember there was some show on Cartoon Network with a male hero and once I jumped up and down on the bed screaming: "I'm *female version of that hero*" and my older brother started laughing with ridicule and said I couldn't be him because I'm a girl and I stopped and felt ashamed. I have no idea what show was it but it was the very first I saw and it ended shortly after so it could have been when I was 3 or 4.
Mardrae · F
@CrazyMusicLover awesome memories!!!
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
@CrazyMusicLover what a fantastic recollection. Nice!👍
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@atlantic59 I also remember how me and my brother went to the same kindergarten and once coincidentally both my class and my brother's was outside and I was hanging around my brother when I suddenly noticed my class was nowhere around so they must have gone inside already and I didn't know what to do but wasn't concerned too much. 😆
From the same place, I remember the perfume one of the teachers wore. She was a nasty abusive woman that should have never been in any position that involves work with children. She was older and had long blond hair. Then there was a boy who always had nosebleeds and I remember how she was screaming at him, maybe even grabbing him harshly or something like that.
I also remember how we had a nice carpet there and someone spilled small shiny confetti stars on it and I collected them like a treasure. It was nice because I was all alone there and nobody disturbed me.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
1. Very very fuzzy memory, but I remember we were standing outside, mom was holding and sister was to her side. We were watching dad putting stuff in the car. I didn't understand what was going on, but I could feel that things were different. Dad was tense, in a hurry. He gave sis a kiss, then me on the cheek. He needed a shave because his stubble was very scratchy, painful even. Then he got in the car and drove off. That was the last time I saw him until I was 11. I was so young, I really shouldn't remember this at all, but it's there.

2. Probably 3 years old, but I remember a dream I had. The entire dream was somebody reading me a book, but the only thing I saw were the pictures in the book. It looked like someone had dipped a house paintbrush in a yellow ochre paint, ran it across the page and then drew highly detailed line drawings on top of that. I remember one of the characters looked like Andy Griffith. Oh, and all the line drawings were animated.

3. Being told I couldn't leave the table until I ate my peas. Woke up the next morning still at the table and not a single one of those disgusting green globules of slime being eaten lol
Mardrae · F
@SarahAndSamantha so sad about the memory of your dad leaving! Did he come back into your life when you were 11?
I remember a nightmare I had when I was very young and I still remember it. I was sitting at the dining room table eating fruit loops and I felt something touching my foot and I looked down and it was a huge tarantula and I picked it up and put it in my mouth and ate it and it was wiggling going down. I woke up gagging and still haven't forgotten that nightmare.
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
@Mardrae Dad was very on again off again in my life. around that time, I'd see him at Christmas and mayybe a day or two when I went to visit the grandparents in the summer. The whole situation was bizarre and...let's just say mishandled. it is what it was.

I do remember another dream from...I dunno, about 5 years old. It was the first of my recurring nightmares of what I call the Dark Basement. Never the same dream, or the same actual location, but it's always some gigantic, underground place. Very gloomy, any light source is muted, barely illuminating anything. The entire place radiates sadness, hopelessness, despair. In the first one, I remember it being like a cave. I was standing on an outcropping that was like a pile of gravel, probably about 10 feet wide. beyond that, it was just a drop off into pitch blackness. about 200 feet away, I could see another outcropping, barely illuminated, but I could see a little girl with black hair. She was crying and cradling a doll with green skin. I thought if I could get to her, we'd both be okay and could get out, but I couldn't figure out a way to her. So we were both stuck here, forever.

I've had Dark Basement dreams at least twice a year every since, always with that feeling of being trapped forever.....until I was 42. I had a Dark Basement dream that I was searching through the Basement for something specific, with that hopeless feeling that I wouldn't find it. Tripped over something in the darkness, reached down and picked it up and suddenly the whole place lit up, became vibrant, fun. There were carnival rides and bright lights, the hopelessness lifted and everything was just...right. comforting. I looked at my hands, and what I had picked up was that doll. I haven't had a Dark Basement dream since.
Mardrae · F
@SarahAndSamantha wow!! I bet the Dark Basement represented something significant in your life and you resolved it somehow.
brokensignal · 46-50, M
1. I remember throwing a nerf football in the living room of someone's house that I don't remember with my grandpa. I had a cast on my arm. I broke it getting pushed off of a playground elephant. But I don't remember that.

2. I remember being in day care and touching a black friend's hair and thinking it was cool and then getting scolded by his mom. I remember I felt really embarrassed about it like I did something really bad. But he was just my friend and I was just a 3 year old kid noticing something about his hair that was different than mine. He was feeling my hair too and we were laughing about it and then suddenly everything got so serious like we did something weird and wrong.

3. I remember trying to run away from home at 5 and falling flat on my head on the rocks and getting a huge gash in my forehead.

4. I remember a ramp at school that I used to love to run as fast I could and jump as high as I could off of it. I also remember granola bars in the green packages and apple juice for a snack at that same school. I remember a specific day I brought Smurf cereal in a ziplock bag. Why did I just remember that right now? hahaha! I was in Kindergarten. I remember taking naps there. I remember my kindergarten teacher had long forearm hair. She would talk to me out in the hallway sometimes and I remember staring down at it. hahaha (I can't remember why we'd talk in the hallway though. I just remember the forearm hair.)
Mardrae · F
@brokensignal awesome memories! What you said about touching your friends hair reminded me of another memory of a black girl I was classmates with when I was 7 or 8 years old. She used to pull her eyelids up and made them stick like that and then chased me all over the playground and I was absolutely terrified and would scream and run. 😂
PunkRockSuperStar · 56-60, M
1. Hearing The Beatles' 'Penny Lane' playing on a jukebox in a cafe around the time it was in the charts. I can't have been much older than three at the time. I don't know why that song stood out for me amongst the others I must have heard, but perhaps it's just a mark of how great The Beatles' songs were.
2. I have very vague memories of seeing steam-locomotive-hauled trains, and on one occasion, of travelling on one. The last steam locomotive in Scotland was withdrawn in 1967, so again, I can't have been older than three.
3. Around the same time, my parents had recently moved into a new house and hadn't fully furnished and carpeted it yet. I thought it would be an idea to express my creative talents by drawing on the bare floorboards of one of the rooms with a bottle of liquid shoe polish. I remember the shoe polish was brown. My parents were very displeased indeed when they saw what I'd done. I had no idea I was doing anything wrong!
4. I remember seeing kids being spanked in the street by their parents, or told they'd be getting a sore backside when they got home. That was pretty normal then.
5. I remember absent-mindedly wandering off with a random woman when on a shopping trip with my mother. Scary and embarrassing when I realised what had happened. Come to think of it, I hope the random woman wasn't trying to abduct me! Again, I'd have been three or four.
6. I remember my parents and grandparents talking about the Michael Colliery Disaster (a horrific underground fire in which several miners were killed), which happened in September 1967. I'd probably just had my fourth birthday at the time.

Something I've often wondered about early-childhood memories is how much they are distorted by old photos that you have. I'm sure photos will trigger memories of certain people, places and events, while you'll have long forgotten about many other things that you don't have photos of.
helenS · 36-40, F
My first memory is about a crow. It came flying into our kitchen through the window and stole a spoon.
The crow was a notorious thief.
@helenS I would have spoiled him!! Given him special treats to come visit more.🤓
helenS · 36-40, F
Did it have a name?
Most likely yes, but I really can't remember...
helenS · 36-40, F
@UnderLockDown Tin foil would work perfectly...
I remember learning to read around three and a half years old.
I remember the first dog in my life passing away around four or five.😭 My Grandmother's Standard Poodle... I was CRUSHED!!! It's my first memory of true heartbreak.
Catching tadpoles, sneaking out in the dark to go fishing, watching butterflies emerge after keeping a chrysalis collection through the winter. Everyone stayed up late to watch the butterflies.🦋🤓
Mardrae · F
@UnderLockDown wonderful memories except for the poodle dying! I remember catching fireflies as a kid and putting them in jars.
@Mardrae I have never seen a firefly in real life!! How sad is that?!😤😆 I have traveled to states that have them, but it was always for work so I never had a chance to run around check out the wildlife.
Mardrae · F
@UnderLockDown it's weird- it's been many years since I've seen one! But then again I am not outside much at dusk when they are out
In the forest we found a blue jay nest and a twisted twig that my mother has to this day
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
being on the steps of pmq's in Germany in 63-64 and with another kid singing I Wanna Hold Your Hand, I think., or She Loves You.. they had just gone back from Hamburg , and they was all over the airwaves and as a five year old, I was digging it
PunkRockSuperStar · 56-60, M
Your punishment for refusing to drink the milk was sheer cruelty! I speak as someone who has always found milk pretty disgusting (I haven't touched a drop for many years), but if school milk didn't put you off the stuff, nothing would. It was always going sour and stinking.

I also had a tonsillectomy when I was about seven. I remember being given gas and being told to count to ten, and the extremely sore throat afterwards. Then, after about a week when I was discharged from the hospital, I suddenly had a massive appetite and was willing to eat all sorts of things that I'd always refused to eat before. I still never liked beans, eggs or mushrooms though. Ughhh!!!
I know there are people that had a harder childhood than me but i dont remember many good times growing up as we lived in a CDD family. Every day was the same
Barny52 · 56-60, M
I remember how cold it was in our outside loo when I was about 5
Mardrae · F
@Barny52 where did you grow up?
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@Mardrae moved from the house with outside loo in 1966 it was in Yorkshire uk
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
I was always cold, poor heating, thin blankets, handme down winter clothes
Mardrae · F
@Patriot96 I'm sorry and hope things are better for you now
Sevendays · M
My father climbing a huge tree to put a TV antenna up there. I was three I think.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Riding bikes! I wonder how many miles we put on o<r bikes!
atlantic59 · 61-69, M
you had a real life
When I was having a tracheostomy two months before my third birthday in February 1973, I remember having a near death out of body experience and seeing a blue light against a wall I looked at. Fast forward to xmas season 1978 when I was 8 2/3 years old, we were shopping in DownTown Portland when I saw the same perfect color blue illuminated sign and I stopped, my Dad was holding my hand and felt me stop suddenly. He asked me what was wrong and I pointed at the sign, saying the blue was like looking into eternity, his jaw dropped and eyes went wide, he was upset after that and my mother had to drive us all home. When my older brothers and I were supposed to be in bed I heard my Dad crying sobs, telling my mother that when my trache tube was removed after a month and could talk again I told him about my ob/nde and the blue light like looking through eternity and telling him all I saw. Ever since my trache I have been very spiritually sensitive and have been able to sense and see things.
Mardrae · F
@NativePortlander1970 wow!! That's so fascinating ! I totally believe you too because one of my ex husbands died in a motorcycle accident and he was dead for 9 minutes and afterwards he kept having all kinds of spiritual experiences.
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