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According to a report published on January 31 by Family Research Council’s (FRC) Center for Religious Liberty, Canada ranks third among Western countries that persecute Christians for their faith.

“These stories are alarming and show the diverse ways Western governments—which ought to be the standard bearers for upholding freedom of religion and expression—are undermining the fundamental human right to religious freedom,” Arielle Del Turco, author of the report and director of FRC’s Center for Religious Liberty, said in a press release.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
When the Swiss Air crash occurred off of Canada's east coast then Prime Minister Jean Chretien banned any Christian prayers from being offered at the memorial service. Funnily enough Jean Chretien fooled a lot of Christians into voting for him by saying that Canada is a Christian nation. The biggest act of hypocrisy I ever witnessed was giving Pierre Trudeau (Justin's father) a state funeral. He had legalized abortion and no fault divorce yet the Catholic Church went all in with a huge display of how shallow they truy are.
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WalterF · 70-79, M
@swirlie You are a self-opiniated and rude individual. I don't like such bad manners on my posts. So - goodbye.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
For information, this is the FRC's own site:

It thinks the USA is "persecuting" Christians too, but is the FRC quite credible? Or a bunch of religious hypocrites? This is from the FRC site, and it may make one recall many of the original colonists were religious bigots fleeing persecution by opposing bigots:

Religion is integral to the health and wellbeing of a civil society. As Founding Father and second President John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I.e., Thou shalt be religious and the Constitution shall approve thy religion and style of life; so sayeth the FRC.

So although the FRC is right to expose genuine attacks on religion and religious choice, such as in North Korea and various theocracies, and wrongs like forced marriage, it does not seem itself quite as liberally-minded as it likes us to think!

FRC crusades too against what offends it in the USA. However, the web-site gives only links to what appear to be books, using summaries almost as uninformative as corporate "mission statements". So it does not say directly the USA has done wrong; though generally, darkly hints that the FRC is homophobic, anti-abortion and possibly anti any theological beliefs other than Judaeo-Christianity.

It does not mention Canada, so I cannot judge Del Turco's remarks; but I suspect from what I gleaned from its own web-site that the FRC is offended by legally allowing personal religious choice and freedom from persecution for sexual orientation, which is of course, no-one's "choice".

When I see an organisation use "Family" in its title, alarm-bells ring, rather as when I see a nation use "Democratic" in its official name. Or indeed some of the nastier threads on SW, exhorting "Traditional Christian Family Values" that usually mean bullying and cruelty.

Whatever it means by "Research", I would like to know what is the Family "Research" Council's ideal "family". Is it one based on love, mutual respect and individual choice? Or is it a miniature autocracy by fear of one spouse (usually the male) using religious bigotry to excuse what in UK law is the offence of "coercive and controlling behaviour"?

A law that would probably give groups like the FRC, kittens.


"LIberal" - I do not mean that in the vague, warped way so common in shallow party-political arguments.

I define it as being free but responsible in thought, word and deed; with due mutual respect with other people and their thoughts, and the Law of the Land.
Madmonk · M
Who are the first two? United States and UK ?
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell That would be sad. If I found these conversations deleterious (another new word? - like "pejorative" - Latin, 2nd conjugation, deleo, delere, delui, delitum, to destroy) I would have stopped them long ago.

You should really stay - it's a rare, maybe unique, chance for you to meet opinions which differ from those presented to you through your other reading / listening / watching activities.

Even if, in your eyes, I am a far-right, Nazi bioterrorist, it would be a shame if you closed these contributions out. They may have a healthy balancing effect on your thinking


The last two paragraphs you refer to refer to police double standards. (1) Look on placidly in the presence of weekly, hate-filled pro-Hamas processions (and even use that stupidly-named "taking a knee" act on occasions) - but (2) hound the single silent individual for silent "wrongthink" in the street

As I said, this is shameful, and should be called out
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF Thankyou! Oh, I am not blind to other sources both of news and of news. I do use another site, slightly similr to this but a bit more sedate, and apparently a lot smaller. As well as as specialist fora dedicated to my interests.

And I certainly don't consider you a neo-Nazi!

I don't condone double-standards by the Police. They should act fairly and even-handedly.

I never had any faith in that "taking the knee", despite its genuine, very serious origin. For I have never had much faith in demonstrations anyway, and have never attended one; however pretentious the words (why not just say "kneel"?).
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Erratum: the supine of delere is of course deletum, not delitum.
jehova · 31-35, M
Ill need to look into it but christianity itself has killed more people (non christians) confiscated property from and destroyed cultures of non christians more than any other over the years. I agree that religion should be up to the individual. However to some extent christianity (and those acting in its name) has hindered the rights to that same freedom more than any other. Now the tables have turned? And everyone seems to forget that track record.
I wrote my own. Peace and long life.
jehova · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 you arent wrong but an objective oppinion is that humans are the problem in search of power control and vengence justification.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@jehova agreed which is the Gospel of Jesus that many many "Christians" don't understand.
jehova · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 yes quite
How he wasn’t lynched for freezing ppls bank accounts is astonishing
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