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Can you live in a redneck neighborhood?

I am thinking of moving somewhere unpretentious and down to earth.
BBrendan46-50, M
There's a huge difference between unpretentious and down to earth and a redneck neighbourhood. Working class people can be proud, good living, decent salt of the earth people and shouldn't be confused with rednecks.
thisguy2041-45, M
@BBrendan Exactly what I thought when I read the question; there are also plenty of unpretentious and down to earth people / neighborhoods / towns which aren't "working class"
sree25141-45, M
@thisguy20 I live in an upper-middle class white neighborhood. It used to be unpretentious and down to earth when my parents were growing up. Even though the neighbors were well-to-do business owners and prominent members of the city power structure, they were "invisible": no flash, friendly and accessible church-going Christians. The demographic has gradually changed. The neighbors are still white, mostly, but full of themselves. No more business owners but hot professionals and corporate management types. Fancy cars and obnoxious brats. Even a sprinkling of rainbow flags. It's getting as bad as foul weather when one has to go away for the summer or winter. I seek relief living 6 months a year in Asia.

I wonder what's life like away from the city among the Mennonites or Amish.
Idk, rednecks have a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later.
@Lostpoet only if you find the whiskey still.
LadyBronte56-60, F
As long as peope leave me alone and don't meddle in my business or my life, I guess I could live in Redneckville as easily as I could live in Snob City.
Kstrong56-60, F
Go for it, life becomes easier... about simply living, and living simply, not keeping up with the Joneses.
sree25141-45, M
@Kstrong You are only 45 and your kids are grown? What do you mean by grown?
Kstrong56-60, F
@sree251 im 57.... kids are married with their own families
sree25141-45, M
@Kstrong I swear I saw 45 F. I guess I was mistaken. Sorry about the divorce. You must have hung in there till the kids are safely on their way. Changing homes and changing partners are no different. It's brought about by unhappiness with one's situation. There is no guarantee that it will turn out right.
We have a bar in my town called Rednex, so i might already, stay inside most of the time, keep to myself.
@BLP11520 Alberta, Canada
BLP1152061-69, M
@SW-User Oh, thought it might be Alabama or Texas LOL
sree25141-45, M
@SW-User Do you mean the kind of rednecks in this video below?
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whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
Beware inverted snobbery, where they believe you think you are too good for them.馃樂
FlowersNButterflies61-69, F
Redneck country is extremely dysfunctional.
They wouldn't like you.
DearAmbellina211341-45, F
Grew up in a redneck town and hope I never have to live in one again tbh.
sree25141-45, M
@DearAmbellina2113 How did you get out and didn't end up with a redneck husband?
DearAmbellina211341-45, F
@sree251 I only ever dated ONE dude from that town, and he was not a redneck. Lol also I didn't accept his proposal. I have always seemed to end up with boyfriends who are southern. I jut don't click with southern people usually.
sree25141-45, M
@DearAmbellina2113 You were lucky. Rednecks don't propose. Not all southerners are rednecks.
Depends, if they're loud and partying all the time, no.
Everyone should avoid Anfield at all costs!
sree25141-45, M
@Nimbus There is no Anfield in America but one in Liverpool. Are you telling me that you Brits have rednecks? How did they get there?
I've never thought of rednecks as pretentious. 馃馃榾
BLP1152061-69, M
I have before....too loud
sree25141-45, M
@BLP11520 What do you mean? Loud as a person or loud music they play?
Torsten36-40, M
i certainly could
Slade56-60, M
Bill Burr on Rednecks...馃榿馃槀

Slade56-60, M
I 鉂わ笍 the 'necks!
pancakeslam41-45, M
maybe, as long as it was in a city. like Atlanta. already lived in Tahoe for a while.
Donotfolowme51-55, F
Cheaper than the rest
SkeetSkeet100+, F
Meth head city
DDonde31-35, M
Sure I guess?
empanadas31-35, M
Naw they might kill me
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Slade56-60, M

The self loathing white crowd

sree25141-45, M
@Slade They are not really self-loathing. They are latter-day white supremacists.
Slade56-60, M
@sree251 True dat!

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