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Way to hide posts or certain users?

A lot of people post stuff I just don't care for. I don't really want to go blocking everyone because it's not that I have anything against them personally, it's just I'm not into that content and would rather free up my newsfeed for the type of content I'm interested in. It would be nice if there were a "hide user" or "hide post" option.

The newsfeed seems to just consist of who is posting at the time and I wish instead it looked at what type of posts you viewed/liked and put that on there instead.
2 ways to do it, like LP said:

You can Show Less of them when you click block/report.
Or feed setting on the home page using the slides to get more of the people you follow or reply to.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
You can mute users, or toggle your feed to show posts from those you follow
Ananke · 26-30, F
@Longpatrol Great thats what I wanted to know thanks
MellyMel22 · F
You can mute people so you don’t see them on the feed.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@MellyMel22 Stop trying to thwart my trolling.
TheGreatLeveler · 31-35, M
I kind of hate the feeds on this site. It seems like I can't customize it to the groups and people I subscribed to. It was a much better experience for me years ago on EP.
Andrew · Admin
You should be able to set your feed in the way you describe.

You can slide your preferred content sources, such as "Users You Follow" and "Groups you Subscribe to" to Maximum (5).

While also dialing down on the other settings, especially "Other Users", as that option will largely give you random / non-relevant content.

Lastly, ideally don't set "Post Order / Sorted by" heavily towards "Time Posted".
To prioritize content that you are subscribed to, set this slider at minimum to the Center, or more towards "Most Relevant".
@Andrew Useful information, thank you 😊
AdaXI · 41-45, T
Yeah click on the posts flag:
[image/video deleted]

You got various options there:
[image/video deleted]

The 'Show Less of User' option stops there comments coming up in the feed but you'll still see their posts, so if you just don't want to see anything by that user without blocking them hit 'mute user'
Magenta · F
You can hide posts. It's a sweet feature. And you can mute members also.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I just insult them until they block me. It's more fun that way
Lostpoet · M
😡is this about me!
Carissimi · F
Use the mute button.

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