We need New Users! => New Users are all Fake!
SW users: We need more New users here!
• New, unique, real individuals, routinely join SimilarWorlds each day.
• New Users become more apparent with the addition of the "NEW" tag.
SW users: No way these are really New Users!
They must all be Alt Accounts and Catfish!
Is there any surprise at why most new users don't stick around?
when they are frequently Judged, Bullied, and told they are all "Fake"?
As SW Admins, we can see and confirm that the vast Majority of these "New Users" are indeed real, unique individuals.
(We can tell by the referring sources they come from, their IP/Device info, etc...)
Additional Note:
Please refrain from making chastising comments on user's posts, about their interests/preferences.
We have observed many new users join here, post about something they are interested in or seeking,
then immediately made to feel unwelcome about sharing their personal interests, by other established users of this site.
(This naturally, quickly pushes many new users away from returning to SW.)
As long as their interests are Not Illegal, and Not against the SW TOS to share/talk about, other users have no businesses in bullying them about what they share.
If the post indeed is against SW's TOS or not legal, then kindly Report the incident.
We've even sadly seen some users ask for Advice about difficult situations, then be shunned or dismissed as being Fake or Lying.
(There are still thankfully, numerous users who do behave in a kind and appropriate manner, and do respond with sincere and helpful comments.)
• New, unique, real individuals, routinely join SimilarWorlds each day.
• New Users become more apparent with the addition of the "NEW" tag.
SW users: No way these are really New Users!
They must all be Alt Accounts and Catfish!
Is there any surprise at why most new users don't stick around?
when they are frequently Judged, Bullied, and told they are all "Fake"?
As SW Admins, we can see and confirm that the vast Majority of these "New Users" are indeed real, unique individuals.
(We can tell by the referring sources they come from, their IP/Device info, etc...)
Additional Note:
Please refrain from making chastising comments on user's posts, about their interests/preferences.
We have observed many new users join here, post about something they are interested in or seeking,
then immediately made to feel unwelcome about sharing their personal interests, by other established users of this site.
(This naturally, quickly pushes many new users away from returning to SW.)
As long as their interests are Not Illegal, and Not against the SW TOS to share/talk about, other users have no businesses in bullying them about what they share.
If the post indeed is against SW's TOS or not legal, then kindly Report the incident.
We've even sadly seen some users ask for Advice about difficult situations, then be shunned or dismissed as being Fake or Lying.
(There are still thankfully, numerous users who do behave in a kind and appropriate manner, and do respond with sincere and helpful comments.)