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Is this text, romantic or lusty in your opinion?

I think the last phrase is to be read

"give you my man's 'hood",


"give you the keys to my man's neighborhood",

meaning the person would be lauded and fête'd.

@Domking Must be why I love so many of your images...
Domking · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy you are welcome
@Domking *bows deeply*
Cringey lust
what's a man hood?
@tfan123 @Lulujeans you mean a pe nis? what is that exactly?
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Domking · 61-69, M
@SW-User its the thin leather cap, which cover the head & rolls back to present the head in times when head is various. 😃
Magenta · F
Nothing romantic about it, pure lust
metamorphosis · 22-25, F
@NoThanksLeon agreed! That was hard to read
Magenta · F
@NoThanksLeon Right?! Seems like it was written by someone immature and has no concept of sensuality.
@Magenta Or proper sentence structure 💁‍♂️ just sayin 😌
Is "man hood" a cover for a guy?
@Domking smacks forehead OF COURSE! I believe your textual reconstruction is likely superior!
Domking · 61-69, M
You give me too much credit, Sir.
@Domking Your photo conveys the image of a wise monk from the Himalayas who has spent years poring over half-faded texts, searching out their true, original meanings--a textual reconstruction savant formed through years of careful, painstaking work.

Who could fault me for deferring to such wisdom?
🙄Sex and romance are vastly different. At least they used to be. This is why people these days get divorced after 2 years of marriage and are married 4 times before they are 40.
Father2 · 61-69, M
The grammer or lack there of, is so bad that I have wilted and may not recover. I believe it should be recommended that the aspiring poet take a class in euthanasia.
Domking · 61-69, M
Forget romantic, even 'lusty' would be an understatement!
This sounds like my Indian Trader Troll Gag where I would pretend to be a Indian merchant talking to a guy on a online forum I pretended to misunderstand as being a girl, and I would call "her" so 'Lithe and Spreadsome'. "I give you my manhood"..... I'm so using that in the future.
Tumbleweed · F
Um... I think it's meant to be lusty but it's kinda goofy
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
Absolutely hilarious!! Are you rewriting 50 shades?
496sbc · 36-40, M
Ohh yeah this person is hot for someone
tfan123 · 46-50, M
Ooh! All of the above! 🤯
@tfan123 you seem aroused
tfan123 · 46-50, M
@SW-User Umm… Yeah I guess you could say that 😉😛
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Lusty.He wants you badly.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
maybe erotic to some!
Bowenw · 61-69, M
My vote is for lusty.
Ditto · M
Overly lusty.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Both. ....... ...
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