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NerdyPotato · M
Not personally to me, but many public apologies are only to save face, if they are even apologies. It's remarkably common to say things like "I'm sorry you felt that way"...
Yes. Most apologies aren't written out of sincerity and not to be accepted just coz...
AshiiePie · 31-35, F
I say sorry and mean it - I am older and have no time for mind games
smiler2012 · 61-69
[4}pressdure] 🤔you may have a point they write it just too ease there conscience and ease there mind . but on the flip side some may genuinely have a sense of guilt in there actions and mean the apologetic words in all sincerity
Selah ·
I feel confused bc it usually doesn't make sense to me. I'd rather people just admit they're selfish and make terrible choices than pretend to be remorseful.
djjohnson · 41-45, M
I think that everyone apology ever has that element to it. But I agree that isn’t really an apology if that is the primary reason.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Im sorry so very sorry I ate the last of the Doritos
missyann · 56-60
Or, could it possibly be that they are sincerely apologizing? Why look at the glass half empty instead of half full? Not all people have ulterior motive. !!?