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Holy moly... I almost forgot I had this account!

I am an EP veteran, joined SW in the first month of its creation (I remember I was thrilled when a member I kept in touch with from EP told me about this website).... and then I lost this account and made another (in 2018).

And completely forgot about this one. .

A month ago, I joined that second account, created new friends and wrote new stories. But I always had a feeling I have another account. I had a strong feeling I asked questions and commented on people (and I didn't find any of that with that second one).
While using the second one, I suddenly saw a name of someone I knew from back then, joined their profile, picked a post from 2016. (He had like 11000 posts lol) and found my comments. I was shocked.
Since I use the same password for like 10 years lol I easily logged in and here I am.

This is what nostalgy feels like, reading the messages is giving me chills. I have even found people I recently befriended as my friends here from 08 years ago. Just, wow.

Sorry for the rant. It just feels surreal to me.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I remember seeing your username though I don't think we've interacted all that often, welcome back on this account!
@Longpatrol I don't even remember my name on EP lol. I'm just shocked Im back here.
I don't know if I should link the new account to this one?
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@AoNoSora you could if you want to
Friendlyperson · 26-30, F
@Longpatrol I think I just did. 🫢
I'm shocked both of 'about me' sections talk about 'not sharing where I'm from'. Haha. Guess I didn't change much from 08 years ago.
My first publication here (in @AoNoSora accound) was about my stress over my highschool exam. Now I'm actually a doctor and stressing of an exam in my residency years. I guess I really didn't change. Lol.
4meAndyou · F
Glad you found your old account, Friendlyperson! Definitely merge them.
Friendlyperson · 26-30, F
@4meAndyou I thought you meant merging even the messages and publications and everything. Do you think it is possible?
4meAndyou · F
@Friendlyperson Oh. That I don't know. But I hope you continue just as ONE person.
Friendlyperson · 26-30, F
@4meAndyou Of course.
The people I built a strong relationship with in @AoNoSora are all gone. I sent them a message, if they respond I'll add them here.
I am the real me here.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Weird that you have a post from 2020 on this account.


Sounds like some real memory problems here.
candycane · 31-35, F
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