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Is this place enjoyable in the long run?

I haven't been on here for very long, I think approaching maybe a month or so. I find that I like reading through posts, but I can't really think of much to add or post myself that hasn't already been said.

And when it comes to messaging on here its really hit or miss, with emphasis on the miss. Every time I have a decent conversation going it usually just stops and never continues as if they forgot about me or they were just done with me.

So I'm sitting here, without having done anything on this site for probably over a week. And I'm thinking, how do people come on here regularly, year after year?
I make friends by responding to posts and comments on posts. Not much interested in messaging, I prefer public interactions. I can almost always find something to say. And I try to make sure to let people know I appreciate their posts by at a minimum leaving reaction emojis.
@OlderSometimesWiser same, I'm more the ' lets just talk in posts ' person. Talk to a lot of fun people this way
@Bexsy Well you’re the party lady. We just come to you!! 🎉
@OlderSometimesWiser I got the mardi gras beads to hand out! 🥳
This is relatable. The feeling there is nothing to say that hasn't already been said, is something I'm starting to feel in every aspect of life, but it's especially strong on here, and even more so in PM.

I guess the reason I'm still here is hope that something really new pops up occasionally.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
I guess the best thing you can do to make it enjoyable for you, is to post about you, your thoughts, your feelings, and naturally people who can relate will gravitate towards your posts.

As for messaging, in my experience it’s extremely rare that I find someone I can talk to for an extended period of time, conversations online have to be give and take, and most people really don’t give a lot back. So I only ever message people if I’ve seen a lot of their posts and read their profile and think it could be mutually beneficial.

For the reasons you’ve said I’ve been here on and off for who knows how many years, but I have found one or two people that I talk to regularly, even daily if I can find the time.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
It requires some sifting and winnowing. While there are a fair share of sociopaths, racists, trolls and other misanthropes around, there’s also some fantastic, bright caring people.

The block button can come in handy. So can just ignoring the noise.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@SandWitch Guess. Based on your stories it appears we agree on a lot.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
We don't agree on anything so far. Which one on your list are you?
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@SandWitch you seem nice.
It passes the time.
Nelisme · 22-25, F
The only real fun I have here is the private chat. I post only to meet people. It’s great when you meet someone you really click with.
Nelisme · 22-25, F
@Lonewolf511 online - I have never met someone in person.
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Nelisme · 22-25, F
@Aysel I didn’t mention sex talk - where did that come from.
exexec · 61-69, C
I enjoy chatting with most people, and some of the posts are entertaining. My wife only comes on here to chat and doesn't read most posts, but she enjoys conversations.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
I’ve experienced the same thing with messages, but some people are fun to talk to and reliable.
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JestAJester · 31-35, M
When you find people you like it becomes worth it. Thats the only reason i stick around
Lonewolf511 · 56-60, M
I pretty much had the same problem when I got on here. Slowly I started encountering users on here messaging about experiences I was familiar with. I have an associate's degree in social sciences and I am vaguely familiar with basic principles of logic. I also try to just post funny stuff about myself ( feel free to check some of my posts). I do hope this helps.
angie8819 · 56-60, F
I've been here since the start and find it OK
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
I like reading the posts and then looking for an opposite reply.. there are always two sides to every coin, and you cannot believe everything you read, in fact, I would say more likely you can't believe more than 30% of what you read in here.
Have some fun with it.
Panamared · 70-79, M
yes some are polite enough to say they need to go, others not so much, i try to remember to say i have to leave, but sometimes i get a call and i forget to come back
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
It does vary from day to day but there’s some great people on here. It just takes a while to sort through the pervs and men pretending to be women and fake accounts.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
Been on here since it’s conception, you make friends and you’re interested in their posts. You’ll think of things to post.
Think of yourself as a bartender - stay away from discussing politics and religion. Who hates bartenders?
Samek · 36-40, M
I imagine it's a mixed experience but ultimately do what brings you joy.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
It helps If'n you ain't none too bright. I been here since 1948!
Elessar · 26-30, M
Yes, if you come here to tease the yanks

Degbeme · 70-79, M
Year after year? I`m here hour after hour. 😬
Took me a year to warm up to the place 😊
Everyday 🤔. I guess there are all, sorts of reasons for different people
I enjoy a few minutes or hour here and there to have a laugh, read, write.
Kind of like a hobby ☺️
I avoid chat because to me it represents repetitive sharing of personal information with people I don't know. Posting and replying seems the better way to pass time.
Sapio · 51-55, M
I don't message much but I enjoy commenting on posts and interacting with other users that way.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I made friends just by interacting on posts and posting what I like. Do that's you should be fine.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
The peculiar thing about this website is the type of people SW tends to attract. What I mean by that is, SW doesn't generally attract conversationalists. It attracts those who typically write in the form of 'text speak' which is the language of cellphone text communication. That is why conversations are so short-lived on SW.
@SandWitch this has nothing to do with that? 🙄

On April 21, 2016, we are pressing "pause" on the site, and will no longer be supporting future posts, messages, or new registrations.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
That is correct, Nerdy. The quote you provided is wrong information, just like I told you in my previous post and just like I've been telling you since this started. But dates at this point are nothing but semantics. The dates you're reading from some internet source are irrelevant and only serve the agenda of it's author.

The issue still remains however, that you were NOT a member of Experience Project at any point in EP's existence.

The way we both know this is true is because anyone who was actually a member of EP during the last 5 years of it's existence, would remember that all posts, messages and new registrations were not put on pause on April 21, 2016 but were actually suspended entirely without notice about 10 months PRIOR to April 21st, 2016.

The ONLY thing you know for sure about EP Nerdy, is what's been written and posted to the internet and to SW as well, long after EP ceased to exist. At that point, those involved behind the decision to close EP can say anything they like because only those who were actually members of EP would know the actual truth of EP's history.

Those like yourself on the other hand, who were never members of EP and therefore have nothing to remember about a website they had never joined in the first place, have no choice but to believe the propaganda that internet trolls put out there to serve their own agendas.
@SandWitch 🙄 enjoy your delusions. Bye!
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I have found that a certain mentality suddenly emerged on SW when people started posting to this site using a cellphone versus a home computer. Those who use cellphones as their primary means of communicating with others are usually the ones who write 1 word sentences and can't carry a conversation in a 6 quart basket if they tried. Why those types even bother to login here I have no idea, but I do know that their skill-set at communicating with others is on par with gross illiteracy.

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