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Mikyel's Blog 💫

Is this how I make a blog? Just make a new post?

I hope so. I'm still learning how this works.

Thank you 🫡👍
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Mikyel · 36-40, M

Wow 😳 Talk about "the 7th at 7".

7th month
7th day
7th hour
7th minute.

Goodness gracious. I didn't plan that.

But I experience these types of synchronicity every single day. I'm so used to it happening that I just giggle 🤭🤷 when it happens now. It began for me like this in 2012. After a while, you learn it's language and discover the Universe's message for that moment, and through that synchronicity received.

Yesterday I made a mountain out of an ant hill. I'm trying to stop taking things personally and too seriously. I took my bf's silence as if he was upset at me, so I tried to figure out what I had done wrong.

Well near the end of the day, he finally tells me that he had a headache.


So, what can I learn from this?

1) Don't assume.

2) Don't jump to conclusions until you know for a fact that something is a certain way.

3) Don't punish yourself unnecessarily, especially if you're indeed assuming, especially assuming the worst.

4) Worst Case Scenario Mindset is real, and it's quite tricky. It can lead you to do things that could be more hurtful than helpful.

It may be nearly impossible to remember to question the situation accordingly.. but instead of saying, "why is this happening to me?", it may be better to ask, "what does this have to teach me? What can I learn from this?"

I question BECAUSE everything has its own reason for coming into my life at a certain time.

Ask the right questions, get the right answers. 🤷🫡
Matt85 · 36-40, M
you can get your own subforum somehow i dont know how 💁‍♂️
Mikyel · 36-40, M

I woke up this morning and found out that a friend beat cancer. That was the best news I've heard in a very long time! My dad wanted to beat it too.

I've been getting grouchy lately, not sure what is causing it. I wonder if anyone else has been experiencing strange moods, emotions, etc?
Mikyel · 36-40, M
Thank you, guys.

I had a weird day today. Woke up ok. Then couldn't get my bf to answer my texts. I thought I'd done something wrong but when I called him, he said I was alright, he just had a headache. He's had a lot of health issues.

I must get rid of Worst Case Scenario Mindset, assuming, and jumping to conclusions.

And, stop taking things so seriously.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Yes. Or at least that's how I do it.

I put the date in the title so that I can find the entries again.

See, for instance,
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
You did it, well done.

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