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Nina's Blog - Thursday 6th June 2024

Thursday 6th June 2024, 12:53

Did 7 000 steps on this morning's walk.

Here are some of the things seen along the way

Looking back towards the town from the far end of a mediaeval field, now a nature reserve.

The smaller of the two rivers almost choked by reeds and trees

The path through the field from a small animal's point of view

A pretty orchid

Another unmaintained stile. On the other side the support for the step has collapsed completely and of course there should be another step up anyway.

An amusing combination of privet hedge and street sign.

Another slightly less extreme
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
All most interesting to me. The orchid was a very good looking flower. Was there a lot of the plants in the area?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@turbineman40 I only saw that one. But that meadow is about 300 m square and I had walked roughly two sides of it. So I saw perhaps 600 m2 out of 90 000 m2 of it so its possible that there were more. But I'm not sure how much light the orchid needs, perhaps they can only grow on the edges of the walking tracks where the grass is beaten down in a strip about 40 cm wide. The grass is between a half and one metre tall all over the meadow at this time of year.
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@ninalanyon Still a very attractive flower
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Lostpoet Thank you! It's a beautiful part of the world, full of history both human and natural.
Lostpoet · M
@ninalanyon I really like wild flowers in landscapes and the thing they did with the sign is cool looking.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Thursday 6th June 2024, 19:28

A family visa is required for a British citizen or settled resident wanting to bring a foreign partner or spouse, and potentially children, to live in the UK together.

Until April 2024 the minimum income was set at £18,600. Currently, it is £29,000 with a plan reported earlier this year to raise it to £34,500 then £38,700 by 2025. Labour has indicated that it broadly supports the changes.
The Conservative party declined to comment, but party insiders insisted it was right that people who wanted to bring their family members to the UK were able to support them financially.

Why should one British citizen be treated differently from another. Nearly half the UK citizenry would not qualify for a visa on financial grounds, should their families too be denied access to the UK?
smiler2012 · 56-60
@ninalanyon🤔is the first picture deadly nightshade
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@smiler2012 It's a common plant in England.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@ninalanyon yes do i not know it there is waste land behind my back garden that is fenced off but overgrown and i get deadly nightshade poking through the fence

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