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Blocked lol!

Got blocked today. Logged in and saw someone was “following me”. Here is the exchange:

Me. Hi, thanks for following. How are you?
Her. I am good
Me. As a matter of interest, why did you choose to follow mr
Blocked lol

There are som very odd people here, as we all know ha ha ha!

Have a good day.
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helenS · 36-40, F
Men are apparently more often blocked here on SW than women, and for the most incomprehensible reasons.
Evened · 51-55, M
@jackjjackson Ib my opinion, the problem nowadays is the lack of acceptance of other points of view, blocking is way easier.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Evened Sad thing. 😕
Talking to oneself exclusively...
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
How did things get this way? It used to be that people were fine to be friends even though they might not agree 100% on everything. @Evened @helenS
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
As a matter of interest, why did you choose to follow mr

I'm 85.8% sure that's what got you blocked.
And I'm not trying to be mean or start anything here LOL
In a nutshell, it's just part of the etiquette (and bs) of social media.
Don't let it get to you but don't be surprised if it happens again LOL
EmilyX · 18-21
@LucyFuhr I agree. To start out by fishing for compliments while questioning her motive doesn't suggest a pleasant time ahead.
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
@EmilyX Precisely!
@EmilyX @LucyFuhr
That isn't fishing for compliments; you are imposing a context not supported by the obvious meanings of the words.

He was followed, contacted the follower, and simply asked what prompted the follow. It's a pretty natural conversation, and knowing that the person shared an interest in a group/forum, or some stated interest/experience/etc., whatever, would give the person followed an idea of what the follower might want to interact about.
Jessmari · 46-50
Nice going, now we'll never know. You need to be more subtle with your stalkers.
@Jessmari True! I thought it was a reasonably polite exchange but there you go.
Jessmari · 46-50
@SW-User I would have opened up with a marriage proposal. It eases them into that family friendly set of mind.
4meAndyou · F
Well, I am sure you were surprised. Most folks who "follow" other folks here on SW simply find their posts and comments entertaining, or enjoy reading them. Often there is no reason for which can be easily articulated.

It is highly probable, based on the behaviors of many men here on SW, that she thought YOU thought she was interested in you in some other way...and ran screaming for the proverbial exit...🤣🤣🤣
@4meAndyou Possibly! But she did make contact with me not the other way round lol!
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Easily spooked...like a skittish cat!
revenant · F
I bet she thought you were going to ask for a pic of her tits😊
revenant · F
@Wol62 saw what ?
val70 · 51-55
@revenant he misspelled men
revenant · F
@val70 he saw men ? ....wow where on earth do you find those rare beasts🤔
Oh dear lol, well maybe u said something wrong or where u creepy but nowadays there are a lot of delicate snowflakes who seem to get triggered easily.. and don't wanna discuss things like normal people plus not seeing that there are different opinions we need to accept theirs even if they are rude whereas some (we) listen but they are fast to block.

Ummmm how do u know if u are blocked on this site by someone?
Evened · 51-55, M
@PrincessRoarBuddy It's shown in the conversation, a small yellow notification box that xxx has blocked you and you shouldn't try to contact this person anymore by this or other accounts. Something like that.
@Evened Ah ok thanks for saying as layout for that might be different on different sites. Will look out for that.
Morrigan · F
Yeah people here are very sensitive
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Morrigan she probably thought it was an interrogation she took it the wrong way lol🤣
Morrigan · F
@JohnOinger not even aimed at her lol
devonman · 61-69, M
Seems quite common . You can chat to me anytime .
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
They did you a favor
You cant be shocked. This is the home of the completely socially dysfunctional. Its like a central meeting place. If you say hi to some they block you. If you joke with them.....blocked. if you even respond to their posts its enough to get blocked. And youre looking for rhyme and reason?
@anythingoes477 Of course not, I was drawing attention to the absurdity of the exchange. Could not care less about being blocked
huskyguy89 · 31-35, M
Yeah, I've been having some odd experiences here thus far. Know how you feel lol
helenS · 36-40, F
@huskyguy89 Welcome to SW, and I hope at least some of your experiences will be even rather than odd.
🌷 <== your welcome tulip
huskyguy89 · 31-35, M
@helenS thanks I hope so as well. Used to be a member back when it was EP. But so far just keeping positive. Trying to find people to talk to. :)
Evened · 51-55, M
Sounds familiar, I got at least two more text phrases before I got blocked 😂
meJess · F
You are not supposed to interact with followers, it’s the same for stalkers.
redoux · 46-50, F
Yep, I'm sure that is the one and only reason she blocked you.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
she blocked you because it sounded like you were interrogating her 🤣
Yes the "odd" live here
Atlotto · M
LMAO! I hope you didn't lose much sleep over it...I got blocked for posting a picture of my pasta machine.
@Atlotto pasta machine no wonder u got blocked you sick pervert 😁
Atlotto · M
@ExperienceDLT LMAO! I know, man...I have made a lot of bad decisions in my life.
@Atlotto agreed 👍 lol
Makes no sense.

Maybe you were so polite, they figured you were a weirdo. lol
Sounds like she got scared. Some people add just for the numbers (like Twitter or Facebook). But the concept of adding someone to initiate a possible friendship ? Maybe not. 😅
helenS · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard I have no idea why people add me. I have more than 1,100 followers...
@helenS You have interesting posts, and you’re losts of fun. 😊
helenS · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard Thaaaank you! 🌷🌷🌷
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yeah, some people just block at a moment's notice, and you'll never figure out why.

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