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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
A dentist accidentally dislocated my jaw when I was a kid.. Last year, I must have dislocated it again when sleeping. It was pain like I had never felt before and it took 4 days before I found a doctor who 'googled' my symptoms and came up with the answer... But it feels better now.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Thevy29 Oh no that's terrible..mine is not dislocated , as a doctor once felt it when it first became misaligned, in the ER. This condition doesn't typically cause me pain but I get vertigo sometimes. I guess the doc said inflammation around the ear muscle, connecting to jaw area, will cause vertigo. It's horrible but was a lot worse two years ago when my jaw first misaligned.Im hoping it will not act up during this visit ughh
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Coralmist the vertigo in my case goes along with uneven ear pressure. Pinch your nose, close your mouth and blow out your ears (called valsalva I believe) and if both ears don’t clear at the same time you may be treated with a few seconds or more of vertigo. If you just ate, that may cause you to throw up.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I’ve had TMJ issues for much of my life after turning 20 which apparently led to frequent ear infections. It sometimes caused problems flying, especially at higher altitudes, and I had to be extra careful swimming and getting water in my ears.
I think I found the reason in my 50s. Holding on to my wisdom teeth for too long. They were impacted and had never exposed them and I ignored them until a dentist showed me how they were overcrowding my other teeth. So I had them extracted. I think that seriously reduced ear infections but still have some TMJ pain, though not as frequent.
I think I found the reason in my 50s. Holding on to my wisdom teeth for too long. They were impacted and had never exposed them and I ignored them until a dentist showed me how they were overcrowding my other teeth. So I had them extracted. I think that seriously reduced ear infections but still have some TMJ pain, though not as frequent.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Heartlander Do you feel you might clench your teeth at night? That is what caused my TMJ pain for years but also caused a misaligned jaw. I have not been to the dentist for years because of the pain. I'm sorry you got ear infections...that sucks. So glad removing wisdom teeth helped.
I get vertigo occasionally from my misaligned jaw..I just truly hope I don't get that from their work or even the Novocain
I get vertigo occasionally from my misaligned jaw..I just truly hope I don't get that from their work or even the Novocain
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@Coralmist Dentist visits can be uncomfortable, even painful if I have to bite down or stay open for a while. Even clamping dish on those X-ray films can be painful if the clench is too long.
When I lower my jaw and wiggle it there are always crackles and pops, same for when I yawn. Putting my fingers at the top of my jawbone, just a half inch from my ear opening and massaging helps disperse the tmj pain.
Prior to extracting the wisdom teeth, prolonged TMJ would occasionally progress to a serious headache. Sometimes the pain radiated down the side of my neck.
I didn’t have the issue when I was a kid or teen. Water in my ears never bothered me, no blocked ears. No jaw pain. By my 50s I was reluctant to put my head underwater in a swimming pool for fear of an ear block that I couldn’t clear, and even if I could clear it with hydrogen peroxide or wiggling I was left with the TMJ pain.
When I lower my jaw and wiggle it there are always crackles and pops, same for when I yawn. Putting my fingers at the top of my jawbone, just a half inch from my ear opening and massaging helps disperse the tmj pain.
Prior to extracting the wisdom teeth, prolonged TMJ would occasionally progress to a serious headache. Sometimes the pain radiated down the side of my neck.
I didn’t have the issue when I was a kid or teen. Water in my ears never bothered me, no blocked ears. No jaw pain. By my 50s I was reluctant to put my head underwater in a swimming pool for fear of an ear block that I couldn’t clear, and even if I could clear it with hydrogen peroxide or wiggling I was left with the TMJ pain.
I get ear pain from tight jaw and I ended up getting a mouth guard for night time but I did some conscious work and I can relax now. It still happens sometimes.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Yeah i get that. Probably not as bad as you though.