Thespis · M
You are a beautiful writer truly turning pain into prose. Though, I do wish it was a pain you weren't suffering. I hope you find a person, and or place to vent and support!
DaughteroftheDevil · 41-45, F
@Thespis Thank you so much for this response. It is honest and beautiful. Appreciate you :)
Thespis · M
@DaughteroftheDevil You seem very genuine and thoughtful. I'm glad you've joined this site.
DaughteroftheDevil · 41-45, F
@Thespis Thanks
Montanaman · M
You're writing is amazing.
Amazing because it's Real. Raw. And touches those that read it.
Touches those who've felt it. Brings out emotions that most try to ignore and hide.
Brings tears so easily.
Not pity.
I sent this in a pm, when i should have posted publicly. Not everyone reads messages from strangers/those that have not previously had public interactions.
For that, I apologize.
-Montana. 😎
Amazing because it's Real. Raw. And touches those that read it.
Touches those who've felt it. Brings out emotions that most try to ignore and hide.
Brings tears so easily.
Not pity.
I sent this in a pm, when i should have posted publicly. Not everyone reads messages from strangers/those that have not previously had public interactions.
For that, I apologize.
-Montana. 😎
Ferric67 · M
Wonderfully tragic, yet raw and honest
We are about to enter the year of the dragon, everything you deem needed will be within your grasp.
Snag chance firmly, shake it loose from the jaws of circumstance...make it your own
We are about to enter the year of the dragon, everything you deem needed will be within your grasp.
Snag chance firmly, shake it loose from the jaws of circumstance...make it your own
DaughteroftheDevil · 41-45, F
@Ferric67 I love this response. Thanks :)
AccursedAlexander3 · 31-35, M
I feel like I’ve been dealing with something similar. I’ve got like an angel and devil on my shoulder and it’s keeping me stuck. The highs are wonderful, but it’s some of the hardest and darkest times in my life mentally. Here’s to a new year, and, for me at least, nowhere to go but up.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Step back and relax... Remember to breathe ....
Montanaman · M
I Hope... 🤗♥️🙏😇✨️
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M