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hockey night in!

@Lilymoon i'm watching your boys play....better stay up late and watch mine 😜
Lilymoon · F
Boston just scored... Fuckers 🤭
Lilymoon · F
@beermeplease true dat
Lilymoon · F
@Fullmetal probably 😆

Fullmetal · 46-50, M
@Lilymoon head down, in the trolley tracks....BOOM
Teslin · M
Go Bruins !!
@Teslin read my reply to lily below
Teslin · M
@beermeplease Yes, I was reading your comments with @Lilymoon
Lilymoon · F
dont they do that on mooseback?..
Baz87 · 36-40, M
Canucks on Ice
@Baz87 so is my vodka/soda
pride49 · 31-35, M
Yes or whatever.
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
👀 go leafs
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Nice check eh?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
with that clock you must either be in your 60s or live with your parents
@MartinTheFirst if you must know i'm parents are both dead and i have still have that clock cus it was a gift from my brother and i to my parents over 30 years ago.... hope you still have a wonderful relationship with your folks until their time comes.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@beermeplease Yes, even if you were in your 60s you wouldn't be having a clock like that without having it passed down in this day and age, close enough. Thank you for sharing that, and I hope so as well
@MartinTheFirst thanks my friend...and i mean it when i talk about your parents. cherish every moment with them along with your siblings if you have. life is too short. you will understand what i mean one day.

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