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ThisIsMyName · 26-30, M
being a guy is weird nowadays..
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
@ThisIsMyName: yeah they took away our option to be men - then women started doing the parts they liked - yet secretly expect us to continue doing the same but only in actions not words - and still then only occasionally. - it's ridiculous. Check out MGTOW for some interesting info
ThisIsMyName · 26-30, M
@Tvxhed: yeah,its a really sad situations for males :( ,im more than sure its not just me in this situation

greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Just a comment on the difficulty men have feeling like women have co-opted men's traditional roles and wondering just how women might expect them to act: You can just decide to define your role as a man as you see it, as you feel comfortable with it, being the kind of man, traditional or otherwise, that you feel is right for you. Some women may not like that. Ignore them and focus on the women who like you as you are, politically correct or not. Define yourself as you think right, and then assume that although some women may not like who you are, some women will. To the women who are inclined to like you, you will be all the more attractive by being authentic and your own man.
JerseyGal · 51-55, F
If you feel that you are pretty special, then you should not worry about it so much. Believe me, I do get the over-thinking part as I often do the same. But I also feel that if you are proud of who you are, then you will attract the right friends, the right woman. It does take time when you meet someone to get to know them. All part of the relationship, whether it's just friends or more. Don't be do hard on yourself. You say you just don't connect with anyone anymore​. Maybe you just are not around the right ones to connect with. It's not the easiest to get out there and find people to connect with.
I wish the best for you.
Penny · 46-50, F
it sounds to me like you are just overthinking too much. i would suggest learning some meditation to quiet your mind. i started byjust taking a few minutes every now and then and concentrating on your breathing. when thoughts arise, acknowledge them briefly but don't dwell on them just picture them flowing away down a river.. as far as connecting to people. i find it hard too. i suppose people connect through shared interests sometimes. maybe cultivate some new interests that you could explore with other people? like barbecuing or playing games or idk, swimming? something that you can do together.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Join a group of volunteers doing something practical and worthwhile. Example: Habitat for Humanity (they build houses for people who need housing but cannot afford it). Or an archeological dig. Or get a metal detector and join a metal detecting club. The idea is to find a practical hands on activity with a group. Doing something or learning to do something together is a wonderful, less awkward way to meet people and get to know them. Focus on the activity and be patient about the people part. Eventually, if you give it time and don't push it or worry about it, you will make some good friends.

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