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I find it humbling that plants that survived whatever killed the dinosaurs, can't survive two weeks under my care..

Ontheroad · M
I'm on the opposite end of that spectrum... I ignore mine for a couple of weeks at a time, and they seem to thrive.
being · 36-40, F
@Ontheroad maybe that's the secret
Magenta · F
Ha. I tend to over love aka water mine.
Kiesel · 56-60, M
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Based on direct experience, I feel your pain!!!!! 🥺
being · 36-40, F
I feel you Casieee
deadgerbil · 26-30
Maybe move on to cactus
I had this problem till I discovered Neem Oil. Mold is a real plant killer.
Bang5luts · M
Or why people think house plants can't survive out doors? Weren't these plants around before houses?
@Bang5luts Ummm, before ever being imported to countries they never lived in...
Bang5luts · M
@SW-User ohhh.. that makes sense. So like tropical plants shipped to colder climate locations? 🤔 that's pretty obvious. I don't know why that escaped me honestly
I’m sure it isn’t personal.
That’s actually so real
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