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I Am Glad People Can't Read My Thoughts

That would be weird if people could 😨
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I care too much about what I think they expect of me, actually :D I'm fretting too much about my last exam which is in about 18 hours 'cause I dunno what I'm doing but everyone seems to think I'm going to ace it.
jaymic64 · M
I'm sure I'd get into a lot of trouble.
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Of course I'm a girl!!!!!!!! Why are you doubting that, I have XX Chromosomes, see my profile gender I'm female.
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Aww I'm sure they wouldn't laugh at you :)
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Hahaha 😂😂
I think I'd either have a flock of sympathisers in my face.. or a helluva lotta people laughin' at me :D
ron122 · 41-45, M
haha you don't want to read my thoughs😋
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Hahaha oh dear 😂😂
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Your feet is giving off ammonia
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
Ammonia scrubber time!!!
you'd probably make fun of me :o(
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Awww they probably wouldn't run away :) but I know what you mean, like some people you can't tell them anything! :/
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
The ammonia scrubber and me
dannys925 · 26-30, M
They'd all run away from me in terror if they could. Like the stuff I write on here is what I think but can't let out anywhere else. If people I knew read my stuff here, they'd know some of my secret thoughts. Run Away!
ammoniascrubbertime · 46-50, F
I am a girl girls don't give off ammonia
mathsman · 70-79, M
Which thoughts would you mind about if they were read by Others?
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
My insane one's hahaha 😂😂
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Awww no I wouldn't :)
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Hahaha 😂
They will laugh at me, or think me the fool. It'll make me cry.. nah I wouldn't care if they did; my thoughts were meant for me I don't care what they think about my thoughts :D
Doomsdaysmores · 41-45, M
Pretty sure I'd be slapped regularly
Melissamolly · 31-35, F
Awww :( hahaha good, you shouldn't care what people think, just be you :)
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
*scratches chin* well...
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Quick ammonia, name one thing that doesn't give off ammonia!
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Oh but you do ammonia! You do very much!!
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Of course girls do. Btw, I'm still doubting if you are a girl. ;)
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Yes. Very.

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