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Please remember to be kind to the vulnerable people!

Kindness goes a long way and Karma is real whether you believe it or not!
Just because the universe is testing someone doesn't mean we have to judge them!
Be grateful for what you have even if it's little
Often we take for granted the things we see as minor! So many people in the world are suffering
If you have health , A roof over your head , clean water and food that's more than enough materials are such a sham , All you need is clean clothes not designer things... please be grateful 🙏
A little goes a long way. Remember to be kind some of the best things in life are free such as respect, you don't need to go to the bank to take a loan for respect or compassion.
Different · 31-35, M
I never judge others
Christianity is not a club only exclusive to certain people!

True. Anyone can come to Christ as their saviour!

It actually says to judge righteously shortly after. Not judging is based on people's appearance, etc.

Saying about the universe testing you is incompatible with God's word.
LUCY344 · 31-35, FNew
@BritishFailedAesthetic Sorry my dear i am a little out of the box but i am just a baby Christian still learning
@LUCY344 Oh, okay I did not know that.

Here's some advice that has helped me in growth- read the Bible everyday and go to a Gospel preaching, bible based church- make sure you stay and talk to others after the service!

Any questions feel free to ask- I also highly reccomend LadyGrace, she is very kind and knowledgeable!
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Humans should be judged by their humanity.. Nothing else.😷
LUCY344 · 31-35, FNew
@whowasthatmaskedman Exactly 🥰🥰
supersnipe · 61-69, M
A kind words go a long way! ♥♥
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Yes, I do. Thanks
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