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Ladies and gentlemen, the new and improved Shadowfire.

When I saw this thing at Home Depot, I knew. I knew it was going to be my new avatar.
So I brought him home:
Once I was done fooling around with him, I tried putting the mask from my old avatar on his head. I immediately noticed a problem:
You guessed it. His eyes were too yellow. After seeking out advice on Reddit, I decided the best way to go about fixing that was with some of this:
Sure enough, it worked!
Next, I had to do something about the light that escaped through his mouth to illuminate his chest. Sorry, buddy. No more sticking your tongue out:
Next came the gloves:
The hardest part was the robe. If you've never put a robe on a completely unmoving, stiff body, well, you're probably haven't committed any murders, but you also haven't customized a Halloween decoration.

Anyway. Enjoy the finished product:
bookerdana · M
I have indeed NOT dealt with dead bodies all that much but it looks cool
Ananke · 26-30, F
Oh my goodness I love this 🤣 thank you for sharing his birth w us hahaha.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
This reminds me of Aurelio Voltaire 😁
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M

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