And attacking other users who haven't harmed you and whose relationship is none of your business. You're not in your teens anymore. This isn't Mean Girls.
Such a shame because they can get support from people without having to go on attack rants and pity parties. I've always been supportive of them, commenting with good intentions. Not just me, but many others. But it's their loss because sooner or later it will turn into their disadvantage. We might give the benefit of the doubt at first, try not to judge, but it accumulates. And it's not worth it anymore because we will just grant their wish and do what they expect the world to do in the first place: turn against them. Their conspiracies about being unloved, alone, unattractive etc all come true due to their own attitude. It's not always everybody else's fault, sometimes the call is coming from inside the house.
@Torsten cool, Varg. You go telling people your Proud To Be White gimmick and shitting on Black Lives Matter isn't racist.
People aren't stupid. They can see through your shit. Calling something racist that is racist isn't bullying.
You said on that thread that it's terrible LGBT people are indoctrinating children. You know gull well what you meant by that.
Furthermore, you did some "bullying" yourself by calling Elessar and Shadowfire and myself left wing lunatics. So ease up on the "I'm the victim" shit. You spat out as much venom as we did.
@basilfawlty89 🤣 lovely attempt at deflection. Cant back up accusations, so instead you go right on the defense with more accusations. classic
so its racist to like your own skin color now? If i was any other race and said the exact same thing you would praise it. Dont deny it. I made it very clear what the point of that thread and you and others proved me right. If you say you are white and proud, you get labelled as a racist and nazi, but any other race its cool.
A lot of people are stupid, yourself included. Calling a hypocrite a hypocrite isnt bullying either.
back up those claims and show where i said such things. I clearly can not trust you not to twist words, so i would like to see the source and within its context. You wont though because it will just make you look even more like a clown
naww poor baby. I called you a left wing lunatic? naww, sounds like i was spot on.. Well except for Shadowfire because he actually seems like a decent guy now that i have chat to him more. You and that elessar guy though are clowns. You both keep coming to my threads accusing me of all disgusting things but calling you something as tame as a left wing lunatic allegedly is too far 🤣 and you claim I am trying to be a victim..
keep deflecting though mate. You might actually get good at it if you practice enough
@Torsten look at your hissy fit, Varg. Classic mean girls shit. You literally acted like the victim cause I called out your transphobia, homophobia, racism and misogyny.
Cowards like you can't be open about your bigotry. You crawl behind weak friends that sympathise and use a token minority to use as a shield. Have the balls and the accountability to at least be honest about your shit.
I'm just gonna block you now. Hopefully you don't stab someone poor gay dude like your idol Varg's collaborator did.
@WaryWitchWandering not joking, that's one of my favourite movies of all time. It's so awful it's amazing. I make a habit of watching it once a year with friends and a joint. One of my dreams is going to a The Room festival.
@SW-User agreed. Look I've had my disagreements with people here too, it's bound to happen. But if you attack someone just because they're younger than you and you're jealous of them is beyond low.
Also, in this case one of the posters complains about body shaming, yet laughs along when others body shame. It's hypocritical.
@basilfawlty89 Yeah, hypocrisy is a real problem here. With humanoids in general really.
It was petty of me to say that she was a bully to others on that thread but I have seen her many times put down women because they were getting attention and she felt the need to bring them down a few notches. I have addressed her for that and asked her to stop.
You don’t tell someone with an eating disorder that they are fat and that’s what she did to DE.
I mentioned that she was a hypocrite for having an affair when she goes after others here for the same.
I admit that I was wrong and shouldn’t have said it on that thread.
I hope you have also talked to her about the same thing because making people feel badly because you are having issues isn’t right either.
@iamonfire696 but couldn't you do the same as well? I mean if she's talking shit about you after you talked shit about her, clearly you don't like each other. Just block and move on.
One thing I will though say is I agree body shaming is wrong, especially with people ED. But don't you often laugh along with Mexican fast food chain's jokes about fat men? That's kinda body shaming too.
@basilfawlty89 I blocked her a long time ago. Someone just let me know what she said.
You should give this same talk to your bff though. I don’t care what she does with her life. If she wants to have an affair good for her. It’s none of her business what happens in my marriage as it’s none of mine what happens in hers.
I have seen you laugh along too. I have never specifically targeted a user and said “you are fat, no man would want you, lose some weight”.
She needs to stop shaming women here, that’s the whole point