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Again and again

I did it again. Surprise surprise. I pushed everyone away from me again. I keep rejecting everyone who tries to get close to me. Its been exactly a minth since i started shutting everyone out. Since i started ignoring my friends, my surroundings, my body. Since i started hurting myself again. It's so dumb how no matter how violent i feel and how much i need to let it out, i just end up pushing it down and shutting myself out. I dont even tend to my problems, i just ignore them and hope i wont wake up the next morning.
Top | New | Old
thisshittylife · 13-15
Sounds like you don't want to die but you want to be found however has the urge to keep isolating yourself because you're scared of what people would think, congrats! you mastered self sabotage. (2)
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
please speak to your friends x
SJones48 · 41-45, M
I’m here if you need to vent

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