BlueVeins · 22-25
in any case other than socially, the line is when you start putting in less effort because you think you're so good that you can get away with it.
in a social context, i'd say the line is when you act as though you're above other people without being given that position. To be socially confident is to gracefully accept risk, but prepared for the possibility that it may backfire.
in a social context, i'd say the line is when you act as though you're above other people without being given that position. To be socially confident is to gracefully accept risk, but prepared for the possibility that it may backfire.

Arrogance is loud. Confidence is quiet
Arrogance is all talk. Confidence is actions
Arrogance is all talk. Confidence is actions
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Confidence is a complete charade ...but it is helpful to display it to earn trust in your abilities ..
A truly confident person is not only limited to what they know , but always has the confidence to understand there own limitations and to look for answers from others ,,
When you want to have faith in someone with confidence , its best to recognize that they are seeking answers abd not just providing them ... That separates the people with true intelligence from the ones that are arrogant or narcissists ... Those individuals never take the opportunity to listen , and will only spew or reconfigure to match their own limited dogma ..
Man .. Sometimes , I get much too serious on SW ... my apologies
A truly confident person is not only limited to what they know , but always has the confidence to understand there own limitations and to look for answers from others ,,
When you want to have faith in someone with confidence , its best to recognize that they are seeking answers abd not just providing them ... That separates the people with true intelligence from the ones that are arrogant or narcissists ... Those individuals never take the opportunity to listen , and will only spew or reconfigure to match their own limited dogma ..
Man .. Sometimes , I get much too serious on SW ... my apologies
BeefySenpie · M
Confidence is believing you’re amazing. Arrogance is thinking you’re better than others. One is self focused, the other is not
666Maggotz · F
My bf recently gifted me a self esteem work book for women, there is a line between healthy self esteem and arrogance. It’s important to realize when you’re being arrogant (are you putting yourself on a pedestal compared to others? Comparison is linked to low self esteem). I haven’t gotten that far in the book yet. In general I believe unhealthy confidence is linked to a “better than everyone else” mindset. It’s a coping mechanism to mask low self worth.
HannahSky · F
You can be confident and not arrogant. Arrogance is not confidence.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Confidence is feeling that you can be competitive -- whether it is the workplace, sporting fields, or socially. It is about you feeling good about yourself. Narcissism and arrogance are more about looking down on everybody else, assuming you are better, expecting everyone to defer to you. While it is dressed up as being about your superiority, it really is more about ignoring, bullying, and insulting others.
Adstar · 56-60, M
People who confuse confidence with narcissism don't really know what narcissism is.. Narcissism is more to do with the need for a person to be the centre of attention.. The need to be No1 in the esteem of every one in their life..
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Believing in yourself without showing pride is stoic confidence
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Whether it inspires others or puts them down