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Was it wrong of me to stop talking to my friend?

I am not going to go in full detail but I did feel that he didn't want to talk to me. Like I would bring up things I wanted to discuss that were important to me but he would totally ignore them. He would also message me back like months later and this pissed me off a lot because for about 3 months straight, we would talk every single day. And after he got bores of me, he would hardly talk to me anymore like he used to. I could feel that I bored him. He became so distant and since he lives in the other side of the world, I would stay up really late just waiting to see if he would respond back. I deleted all my social media that he followed me in and its been like 2 months since I did that and he hasn't even tried to contact me (he still has my email). Was it wrong of me to do that, should I apologize?
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Youni19 · 26-30, F
Hey, I do that same thing to an online Korean friend of mine! I talk to him for about three months, then don't know what else to talk about so I gradually stop responding and then a few months later I think of something I wanna talk to him about and message him.
I've done it twice and feel very bad about it but if neither of us have anything to say or talk about then why force pointless conversation.
Tbh, I really did enjoy talking to him in the beginning, (both beginnings) it's just that near the end when I leave all of a sudden, it's because all of our recent conversations were the same and it just seemed too pointless.
It's also really easy for me to just leave like that because I don't really like talking or chatting with people at all, in general. I'm a listener. Maybe he's somewhat like that too.
It was also hard for me to get back into talking to him again (after I stopped for months) because I thought it would be awkward and I couldn't think of a proper excuse to give him. I didn't want to just tell him that I didn't feel like talking to him anymore lol Honestly, it kind of had a little to do with my (very mild) depression as well so I just told him something on the lines of that. I'm a bad online friend lol
That's why I don't like when people private message me. Because it's likely that eventually, I'm just going to abandon them, as sad as it sounds. I doubt they genuinely care though
ajoite · 51-55, F
Honestly? You had expectations of him that he couldn't or wouldn't fill.
Sometimes we have to accept people as they are or move on. We can't make people into what we want from them, staying up all night is a little bit obsessive.
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
Thanks! And I guess I did kind of made it seem kind of obsessive but he was the only friend I had to talk to and he would always tell me goodnight so I would know our conversation was going to end and he just stopped doing that.
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
Are you talking about John Lennon?
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
HAHAHAH!!! Definitely! I've even written songs about him.
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
No. Move on. He doesnt care or has better stuff to do.

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