lucetta12 · 36-40, F
If it was my child I would deffo go through their phones. Actually, I wouldn't allow them to have phones unil a certain age. I would feel the same way you feel, though if it was my parents going through my phone. It's scary to think what kids get up to on their phones, so I would be a pretty paranoid parent. I would only snoop out of protecting my child. Most kids don't talk to their parents and even if they do, you don't know if they're telling the truth.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
As long as you are a minor and living under your parent's roof and they are paying the bills then they have that right, they are responsible for you in a great number of ways that you will never realize until you have children of your own.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M
God i hope you never had any children.
Children are not your servants. They are not your property.
They are people.
Just because you have financial control over them doesn't give you the moral right to do whatever, whenever.
Apparently to you, a dependent minor means "a person over whom i deserve unilateral control because i pay for them"
Disgusting. I'd tell you to grow up but apparently you;re already in your sixties, so i guess that ship has sailed
God i hope you never had any children.
Children are not your servants. They are not your property.
They are people.
Just because you have financial control over them doesn't give you the moral right to do whatever, whenever.
Apparently to you, a dependent minor means "a person over whom i deserve unilateral control because i pay for them"
Disgusting. I'd tell you to grow up but apparently you;re already in your sixties, so i guess that ship has sailed
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@UnparalleledMonster: Actually being a parent of non majority children not only gives the parent the right it gives the parent the responsibility to keep tabs on their children. What children, yourself included, forget is that parents were once children and they know the dangers involved in being a kid.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M
ACTUALLY joe, i'm not debating that parent should do what they think is right to protect their child.
Haven't been from the start.
I've been pointing out how absurd it is to claim the right on the basis that you paid for their stuff so it's really yours anyway.
A point you appear to be having trouble processing given your borrowed car example.
The right to check up on their child comes from the parent's desire and responsibility to take care of their kid, NOT because they financed their life.
ACTUALLY joe, i'm not debating that parent should do what they think is right to protect their child.
Haven't been from the start.
I've been pointing out how absurd it is to claim the right on the basis that you paid for their stuff so it's really yours anyway.
A point you appear to be having trouble processing given your borrowed car example.
The right to check up on their child comes from the parent's desire and responsibility to take care of their kid, NOT because they financed their life.
ForeverOnMyGuard · 22-25, F
My parents have only checked my phone once and it's cuz I was high as shit and half asleep. Pretty sure my dad saw a nude. Now I have a lock on my phone and no one knows the pattern
NotYetTooOld · 61-69, M
I raised my kids aboard a 37' sloop. Not much privacy. By graphic I didn't mean that gynocological. That would have been too much!
Cindaya · 22-25, F
@Killers: ikr cringe
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M
lol sorry
lol sorry
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Who paid for the phone and who is paying the phone bills?
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M
You can claim that a parent should check up on their child for their own good. But it's absurd to make the argument that moral correctness determined by who's paying.
firefall · 61-69, M
Well, they have the legal right, but like a lot of things that are legal, I'd only consider it in an emergency of some sort. Invading your teenagers' personal space is quite intrusive, and destructive of their building a sense of being a separate entity with their own rights and responsibilities.
NotYetTooOld · 61-69, M
Tough call. I want to trust my kids, but I want them to be safe. I think I would have to say that it is better to give them their privacy.

As a parent having to pay for a phone bill, and for the safety of my child, I would definitely keep track of them the best way I can

I didn't have a phone until I was 17. Don't know what wild things you kids do these days.
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It's annoying for you, but yes it's fine if they do that.
Gingerbreadspice · F
If you're under age yes.
Jimmyorjames · M
I would go crazy! My sister learnt not to do it anymore the hard way, but I would be distraught if my mom was snooping on there!
Jimmyorjames · M
@UncleCharlie: Long story lol

@Jimmyorjames: Do share! :P
Jimmyorjames · M
@UncleCharlie: Too embarrassing...
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