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is this sa ??

i dont remember much since i was little(maybe like 5-7 ish ??) but i lived in this apartment with multiple family members like my uncles, aunts, cousins, & few family friends on different floors. one of the uncles that lived with us had his own room and sometimes when i was wandering off the halls, he would call me over onto his bed and start doing things.

by things i mean like seating me on his lap, caressing me, & would end up kissing me aggressively on the check. like i said, that’s pretty much all i remember from my encounters with him but i felt very uncomfortable. he would leave my cheeks reddish and me very confused. it was werid for me because he never did that to any of my siblings or cousins as far as i know. i didn’t know what to do when he did that to me so i just let him do whatever he wanted.

as i grew older, he stopped doing that to me. he just acted like nothing happened when i was in front of my parents or other family members. i never brought it up because ive heard worse from unfortunate individuals who did get sa’d. nobody knew until recently when i told my brothers because i just broke down. they believed me n comforted me. that said uncle has moved away and went back to his country. i haven’t seen him since and i just feel so ashamed for keeping it to myself for so long.

im about to be 16 in september and its getting to me. should i come forward with my parents? would they believe me? am i just paranoid? am i being too sensitive? i want to hear other’s opinions on this.
ArkBallet · F
I think you should come forward and let your parents know, and hopefully they will believe you.

This is not your fault, okay? Don’t feel ashamed of yourself for not speaking up, you were just a child at that point.
Please tell them. I kept quiet about stuff my brother did to me as children and it's a major regret nowadays. No uncle should be inviting a child into his bed, much less alone.
Whittleisstressed · 13-15, F
As long as you feel uncomfortable about it, you need to speak up. He was violating your self-respect and dignity as a young child. Hence, it is right to talk to your parents about this.

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